“In this richly argued and illustrated book, Dr Jonathan Lloyd shows how transformative metaphors can be. He reveals just how metaphorical language, used well, can illuminate the past and present, as well as the therapeutic process.” Professor Michael Jacobs This fascinating, accessible and well researched book is packed with case studies, practical examples and therapeutic reflection. It is essential reading for any healthcare professional in practice or training. Whales in the Desert will provide a comprehensive guide to all those wishing to understand and explore the potent use of metaphor in therapy. Keeping theory and research resolutely grounded in real-life practice, this book reveals: how metaphors are co-constructed and developed, the use of Clean Language, and trauma resolution. Linking all of this to the major models of therapy. Dr Jonathan Lloyd is a counsellor, supervisor and lecturer in the UK. His Professional Doctorate in Counselling from the University of Manchester.
Whales In The Desert: The use of metaphors in therapy
Our Price: $12.94 (with free UK delivery)
Author: Dr Jonathan Lloyd
Publisher: Lulu.com
Published: November 2018
ISBN: 9780244415990