
Unrecorded Places in Between: A short eclectic collection of poems, which is perhaps best read straight through whilst at the same time absorbing the artistic images.

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Author: Paddy Creedon

Publisher: Paddy Creedon

Published: April 2024

ISBN: 9781399985352

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~Please note that we have not reduced this title as the profits go to the addiction charity the Rise Foundation.

This short eclectic collection of poems is perhaps best read straight through whilst at the same time absorbing the artistic images created by Tricia Healy. You can then form your own views on whether the combination of the written and art work gave you a lift that might just have momentarily ‘caught the heart off guard’.

Paddy has taken the slightly unusual step to record what was going on for him when the creative writing clicked into gear and the words flowed, one word after another, one thought on top of another, one stanza following on from the one before. The back stories are recorded in the Endnotes of this publication as an optional extra to give you, the reader, some context around the process of Paddy’s creative writing.
