Schema-Focused Working Methods for Arts and Body-Based Therapies

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Author: Suzanne Haeyen

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 20/05/24

ISBN: 9781032599571

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This book introduces schema-focused working methods for arts and body-based therapies, offering therapists practice-based tools to help their clients strengthen healthy patterns, self-management, and well-being on their path to recovery.

Containing 158 schema-focused working methods for different arts and body-based therapies, such as art therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, and body-based or psychomotor therapy, this book offers new ideas and tools for therapists to strengthen their client’s adaptive schema modes: the Healthy Adult and the Happy Child. By linking arts and body-based therapies to schema-focused therapy and positive psychology, the goal is to strengthen the client’s healthy patterns in emotion regulation and establish a healthier well-being.

The theoretical framework in the introduction and the scientific evidence for arts and psychomotor therapies, combined with the practice-based examples, allow for a text that is broad enough for graduate creative therapy programs and specific enough to serve as a shelf reference for those in practice.
