Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Client Manual

Retail Price: $96.65

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Author: Windy Dryden

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 22-NOV-03

ISBN: 9781861563965

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This book is written for those are consulting or thinking about consulting a Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapist.It outlines this approach to counselling and psychotherapy and equips its readers with the fundamental knowledge and skills required to get the most out of REBT. In particular, the book shows how to define problems and set goals, use REBT’s famous ABC framework to assess problems, questions beliefs and strengthen conviction in rational beliefs so that significant psychological change is achieved, relapse prevented and common obstacles to change identified and overcome.
Passively reading this manual won’t help you to achieve your therapeutic goals. Actively putting into practice its suggestions almost certainly will.


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