Managing Suicidal Risk, Third Edition: A Collaborative Approach

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Author: David A. Jobes

Publisher: Guilford Press

Published: 18/08/23

ISBN: 9781462552696

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Now in an extensively revised third edition with 65% new material, this is the authoritative presentation of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) therapeutic framework. CAMS provides proven tools to help clinicians of any orientation evaluate suicidal risk and develop a suicide-focused treatment plan. In addition to their clinical utility, the procedures used for assessment, stabilization, and treatment of suicidal risk within CAMS can help reduce the risk of malpractice liability. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes the latest version of the Suicide Status Form (SSF-5) plus other valuable reproducible tools, which can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. For CAMS training opportunities offered by David A. Jobes, visit https://cams-care.com.

New to This Edition
*Major updates based on ongoing clinical research, including tools and adaptations for additional populations and settings.
*Increased focus on implementation with adolescents, with a new extended case example.
*Vital guidance for effectively using CAMS via telehealth.
*Additional reproducible forms to photocopy or download, including a fillable PDF of the Suicide Status Form, optimized for electronic medical records.
