It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth And Birth At Any Age

Retail Price: $27.73

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Author: Mia Kalif

Publisher: Red Alder

Published: 01/10/2018

ISBN: 9781775398509 -- This title will take 4-6 weeks to supply.

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Following her breakthrough book, The Secret Life of Babies, Dr Mia Kalef now deepens her exploration of human sentience before conception and during birth. E-book available at mia@miakalef.com/shop. This groundbreaking guide has been described as, “…required reading for all health professionals, especially those involved in childbirth and mental health.”

Whether you aim to understand your baby’s messages, are wishing to detect and heal your experiences from your time in the womb and at birth, are a health professional, or in a position of care for another, this book offers a courageous and clear guide for decoding and healing some of society’s hardest to reach issues found in babies, toddlers and even adults.

With a detailed and fascinating journey through conception, the early stages of embryonic growth, birth, and the myriad of ways human love and development get interrupted at these sensitive times, you will find gentle and effective ways to address the roots of personal and societal challenges. With an accessible and and easy to implement approach, this book challenges our long-held assumptions that prebirth and birth are forgotten, and offers a compassionate path back to experiencing the richness of our human lives.
