Imagery in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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Author: Lusia Stopa & Judith S. Beck

Publisher: Guilford Press

Published: 08/10/2021

ISBN: 9781462547289

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Richly illustrated with clinical material, this book presents specific techniques for working with multisensory imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Leading researcher-clinician Lusia Stopa explores how mental images–similarly to verbal cognitions–can trigger distress and drive maladaptive behavior. She guides the therapist to assess imagery and help clients to recognize and explore it. A range of interventions are described, including imaginal exposure, imaginal reliving, rescripting, working with self-images, and using positive imagery to improve well-being. Extensive sample dialogues and a chapter-length case example demonstrate the techniques in action with clients with a range of frequently encountered psychological problems.



