Getting Started with REBT: A Concise Guide for Clients

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Author: Windy Dryden

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Published: 26-OCT-06

ISBN: 9781583919392

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Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) encourages direct focus on emotional problems, encouraging understanding of the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are responsible for maintaining these problems. REBT encourages a healthier outlook by teaching individuals to challenge their irrational thoughts.
Getting Started with REBT provides a concise guide to assessing the suitability of REBT and using this method to address your emotional problems. The book is divided into two sections, beginning with an introduction to the theory and practice of REBT that will enable the reader to make an informed decision about whether this method is right for them. The second section guides the reader through issues that are relevant to all emotional problems, demonstrating how to:
Formulate emotional problems and set goals
Question irrational and rational beliefs
Strengthen conviction in rational beliefs
Getting Started with REBT is suitable for use either alone or in conjunction with work with an REBT therapist. It will also be of interest to therapists and counsellors.


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