Dance and Creativity within Dance Movement Therapy: International Perspectives

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Author: Hilda Wengrower, Sharon Chaiklin

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 27/10/20

ISBN: 9781138337527

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Dance and Creativity within Dance Movement Therapy discusses the core work and basic concepts in dance movement therapy (DMT), focusing on the centrality of dance, the creative process, and their aesthetic-psychological implications in the practice of the profession for both patients and therapists.

Based on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary inputs from fields such as philosophy, anthropology, and dance, contributions examine the issues presented by cultural differences in DMT through the input of practitioners from several diverse countries. Chapters blend theory and case studies with personal, intimate reflections to support critical descriptions of DMT interventions and share methods to help structure practice and facilitate communication between professionals and researchers.

The book’s multicultural, multidisciplinary examination of the essence of dance and its countless healing purposes will give readers new insights into the value and functions of dance both in and out of therapy.
