

    Stuck in a Role: Releasing Trauma in Teens through the ENACT Drama Therapy Method

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 28.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €7.20 (20%)

    Stuck in a Role illustrates how adolescents, especially those who have experienced developmental trauma, can become “stuck” in protective roles that can distance them from their authentic selves, and how the ENACT Drama Therapy Method can help them break free from these confining roles.

    This title is due to be published on the 30th April 2025. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.


    Memory: Shaping Connections in the Arts Therapies

    Retail Price: €43.20

    Our Price: 37.81 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €5.39 (12%)

    Writers from Canada, Estonia, Germany, Iceland, Lebanon, Lithuania, Spain, the UK and the US combine to create a topical publication, incorporating diverse and current thinking in art therapy, dance movement therapy, dramatherapy and music therapy.


    Dramatherapy and Recovery: The CoActive Therapeutic Theatre Model and Manual

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 31.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.80 (13%)

    Dramatherapy and Recovery equips practitioners of dramatherapy, counseling arts in health, applied theater, community theater, and other mental health disciplines with the tools needed to create transformative performances with individuals reconnecting with the community after treatment.

    Recommended Titles

    Recommended titles by experts in the field.

    The Drama Therapy Decision Tree: Connecting Drama Therapy Interventions to Clinical Outcomes (2nd Edition)

    Retail Price: €47.95

    Our Price: 44.35 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €3.60 (8%)

    This book is a practical guide in four sections, not a checklist. Rather than using a standardized protocol that makes the decisions for the therapist, drama therapy is based on dynamic, embodied, creative action with participants in the here and now.

    Dramatherapy and the Bereaved Child : Telling the Truth to Children During Difficult Times

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 32.39 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €3.60 (10%)

    This book addresses the needs of children experiencing the hospitalization or death of a caregiver or loved one to comprehend and cope with tragedy with the assistance creative non-fictions and dramatic play.

    Trauma and Embodied Healing in Dramatherapy, Theatre and Performance

    Retail Price: €32.39

    Our Price: 28.21 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.18 (13%)

    This edited volume explores the singularity of embodiment and somatic approaches in the healing of trauma from a dramatherapy, theatre and performance perspective.

    Dramatherapy and Learning Disabilities: Developing Emotional Growth, Autonomy and Self-Worth

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 33.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €2.40 (7%)

    This book will be a significant resource for trainee dramatherapists, arts therapists and professionals interested in incorporating creative methods into their practice. It also provides examples of burgeoning arts therapies research within the field and lays the foundations for future projects.

    Intercultural Dramatherapy: Imagination and Action at the Intersections of Difference

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 32.39 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €3.60 (10%)

    The first overarching work on dramatherapy intercultural practice and research, this book explores the therapeutic encounter between therapists and participants as an intercultural space, highlighting how attending to cultural differences informs care.

    Dramatherapy With Elders and People With Dementia: Enabling Developmental Wellbeing

    Retail Price: €35.99

    Our Price: 31.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.80 (13%)

    The book takes the reader through the dramatherapy experience of a group of people who display a ‘feeling intelligence’; a quality that softens distress at vanishing words and clouded memories. Unique in its approach, not only to dramatherapy with elders and people with dementia, it presents an essential validation of older people’s life stage development.

    An Introduction to Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater: Hall of Mirrors on Stage

    Retail Price: €38.40

    Our Price: 34.21 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.19 (11%)

    This book will be of great interest to dramatherapy students, trainees and professionals, and group therapists who wish to reflect upon their practice through the mirror of Psychotherapeutic Playback Theatre as well as facilitators and actors working with Playback Theater or other improvised genres.

    Arts Therapies in International Practice: Informed by Neuroscience and Research

    Retail Price: €38.40

    Our Price: 33.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.81 (13%)

    Arts Therapies in International Practice: Informed by Neuroscience and Research brings together practice and research in the arts therapies and in neuroscience. The authors are all arts therapists who have reviewed their practice through the lens of modern neuroscience. Neuroscience confirms the importance of embodiment, choice, and creativity in therapy with a range of clients. Arts therapies directly provide these.

    Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Creative Arts Therapies: A Case-Based Approach

    Retail Price: €38.40

    Our Price: 33.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.81 (13%)

    Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Creative Arts Therapies uses a case-based approach to provide practical guidance for practitioners on the skillful application of ethical decision-making in art therapy.

    Dramatherapy: The Nature of Interruption

    Retail Price: €43.20

    Our Price: 39.60 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €3.60 (8%)

    This book investigates the nature and phenomena of interruption in ways that have relevance for contemporary dramatherapy practice. It is a timely contribution amidst an ‘age of interruption’ and examines how dramatherapists might respond with agency and discernment in personal, professional and cultural contexts.

    Arts Therapies and Sexual Offending

    Retail Price: €33.59

    Our Price: 27.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €6.00 (18%)

    This book provides valuable experiences of working with people who have committed sexual offences.

    Child Agency and Voice in Therapy: New Ways of Working in the Arts Therapies

    Retail Price: €32.39

    Our Price: 29.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €2.40 (7%)

    Child Agency and Voice in Therapy offers innovatory ways of thinking about, and working with, children in therapy.

    Using the Expressive Arts with Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Loss: A Pocket Guide

    Retail Price: €16.79

    Our Price: 15.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.20 (7%)

    Perfectly crafted to spark communication around a difficult topic, this is an invaluable tool for practitioners, educators, parents, and anybody else looking to support a child or young person through loss or bereavement.

    The Girl Who Lost the Light in Her Eyes: A Storybook to Support Children and Young People Who Experience Loss

    Retail Price: €15.59

    Our Price: 14.03 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.56 (10%)

    This beautifully illustrated and sensitively written storybook has been created to be used therapeutically with children experiencing loss.  It has been produced to accompany the title ‘Using the Expressive Arts with Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Loss’ shown above.

    The Arts Therapies: A Revolution in Healthcare

    Retail Price: €39.60

    Our Price: 33.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €6.01 (15%)

    This comprehensive overview will be an essential text for students and practitioners of the arts therapies. It is international in scope, fully up-to-date with innovations in the field and will be relevant to new practitioners and those looking to deepen their understanding.

    Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough

    Retail Price: €39.60

    Our Price: 35.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €3.61 (9%)

    Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies is a cross-professional book looking at current approaches to working therapeutically and socially with trauma in a creative and embodied way.

    Find Your Way: A Story and Drama Resource to Promote Mental Well-being in Young People

    Retail Price: €44.41

    Our Price: 42.00 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €2.41 (5%)

    Stories are an invaluable tool for connecting with people, especially those reluctant to engage with more direct approaches. This powerful resource presents ten original, emotive and illustrated short stories designed to guide therapeutic work with adolescents and young adults in the classroom or consulting room by promoting emotional resilience and independent thinking.

    The Story Within – Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy

    Retail Price: €33.59

    Our Price: 28.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.80 (14%)

    The Story Within is a creative arts therapies approach which uses myth and fairy tale to help clients work with difficult personal material.

    Acting For Real: Drama Therapy Process, Technique, And Performance

    Retail Price: €46.80

    Our Price: 40.80 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €6.00 (13%)

    This second edition takes the reader further into the heart of using drama for healing. Dr. Emunah offers an expanded understanding of her Integrative Five Phase model, a foundational approach that embraces the wide spectrum of possibilities within the playing field of drama therapy. Grounded by compassionate clinical examples, including ones that reach over time into deep-seated issues, the book offers tools for action-oriented treatment, embodied therapeutic interventions, and creatively engaging a wide variety of clients.

    Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies: Inscribed on the Body

    Retail Price: €44.40

    Our Price: 39.01 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €5.39 (12%)

    Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies: Inscribed on the Body offers worldwide perspectives on gender in arts therapies practice and provides understandings of gender and arts therapies in a variety of global contexts. Bringing together leading researchers and lesser-known voices, it contains an eclectic mix of viewpoints, and includes detailed case studies of arts therapies practice in an array of social settings and with different populations.

    Using Drama with Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Resource for Practitioners in Education and Health

    Retail Price: €46.80

    Our Price: 42.61 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €4.19 (9%)

    The second edition of Using Drama with Children on the Autism Spectrumtakes the perspective that support for the learning and development of children should have the purpose of giving them the freedom to be more fully who they are and able to function more effectively as themselves in a wider range of contexts. The focus of this new edition is on learning outcomes as expressed by autistic people, for example, to develop better understandings about the social world and to know how to manage everyday situations more successfully.
