Constellation Therapy


    You were just a child… looking for love: ‘Living a good life’ and other IoPT essays and thoughts

    Retail Price: €19.13

    Our Price: 17.93 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.20 (6%)

    This is a varied collection of thoughts and ideas, some full-length essays, and some short statements, all of which have IoPT (Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy) thinking underlying them.


    Trauma and Identity: Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy: Theory and Practice

    Retail Price: €23.93

    Our Price: 20.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €2.94 (12%)

    In this book Vivian Broughton brings together all the important theoretical concepts on the topics of trauma, trauma survival and identity developed by Professor Dr Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years, known as Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IOPT). It is likely to be of interest to therapists and all professionals who work with people and their life difficulties, as well as anyone interested in understanding themselves better.


    Love Lust and Trauma: The Journey Towards a Healthy Sexual Identity

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    What is human sexuality? As the source of life why is it also often the cause of so much suffering?
    The renowned psychotherapist Professor Dr Franz Ruppert shows in this book how sexual traumas come about, from the perspective of the victim and the perpetrator, with profound consequences for individuals, families and entire societies.
    With his development of Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IOPT) it becomes possible to raise awareness of sexual psychotrauma using The Intention Method, and to resolve it psychologically and emotionally. Sexuality can then again be experienced as a creative force that gives pleasure and helps to achieve a healthy identity.

    Recommended Titles

    Recommended titles by experts in the field.

    Who am I in a traumatised and traumatising society?

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    Professor Dr Franz Ruppert’s book is part personal account and part an update of his theoretical thinking, specifically as it relates to our society.

    My Body, My Trauma, My I : Constellating our intentions – exiting our traumabiography

    Retail Price: €23.93

    Our Price: 22.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (7%)

    My Body, My Trauma, My I provides a further link in our understanding of ourselves as human beings, who we are, and why we suffer from the ailments that we do.

    Early Trauma: Pregnancy, Birth and the First Years of Life

    Retail Price: €23.93

    Our Price: 22.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (7%)

    This book is a collection of essays on the topic of pre-, peri- and post-natal issues that are traumatising for the Infant. Professor Franz Ruppert is the editor of the book and contributes three essays. The other 16 essays are written by practitioners who work with his theories and method, bringing their own particular interest and expertise to understanding this subject of early trauma.

    Trauma Fear and Love: How the Constellation of the Intention Supports Healthy Autonomy

    Retail Price: €23.93

    Our Price: 22.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (7%)

    This is an exciting book. Ruppert has the ability to reach beyond the conventional boundaries of psychotherapeutic thinking, questioning some of our basic assumptions and building on our accumulated knowledge. He brings a sharp, scientific eye to the complex world of consciousness and the psyche, the results of which can only enhance our understanding.

    Becoming Your True Self: A Handbook for the Journey from Trauma to Healthy Autonomy

    Retail Price: €9.54

    Our Price: 8.34 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.20 (13%)

    Trauma is a situation where one is not in control of one’s life. This book is about becoming the author and authority, rather than a hostage, of your life.

    The Heart of Things

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    This book will be of interest to those who work with trauma, who have an interest in understanding new ways of looking at the role of trauma in our lives and finding resolutions to trauma.

    Symbiosis and Autonomy: Symbiotic Trauma and Love Beyond Entanglements

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    For those interested in trauma, and understanding how to work with it, this is truly groundbreaking work. Ruppert’s thinking draws on many historical roots but is, even so, particularly unique. It takes us outside our normal ways of thinking about trauma, attachment and what it means to be a human being.

    Splits in the Soul

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    This is the second book by Professor Franz Ruppert in English translation and continues his exploration of the impact of trauma across generations. Here he deepens his understanding of the process and function of psychological splitting as a natural response to traumatic events, exploring in detail the results such survival strategies have on the traumatised person and those with whom they are in close contact.

    In the Presence of Many: Reflections on Constellations Emphasising the Individual Context

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    The book is a basic text on working with a systemic perspect and with the methodology of Systemic Constellations, originated by the German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. It draws extensively on the work of Franz Ruppert, understanding trauma processes across generations, and many other prominent practitioners of systemic constellations.

    Trauma, Bonding & Family Constellations: Healing Injuries of the Soul

    Retail Price: €21.53

    Our Price: 19.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: €1.74 (8%)

    Franz Ruppert’s book explores the different types of trauma experience, along with the bonding theories of John Bowlby and attachment work of Mary Ainsworth and others, forming a multigenerational picture of the dynamics of trauma.