
    Liberation Practices: Towards Emotional Wellbeing Through Dialogue

    Retail Price: $89.15

    Our Price: $74.96 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $14.19 (16%)

    Liberation psychology is an approach that aims to understand wellbeing within the context of relationships of power and oppression, and the sociopolitical structure in which these relationships exist. Liberation Practices: Towards Emotional Wellbeing Through Dialogueexplores how wellbeing can be enhanced through dialogue which challenges oppressive social, relational and cultural conditions and which can lead to individual and collective liberation.

    A Therapist’s Guide to Child Development: The Extraordinarily Normal Years

    Retail Price: $79.02

    Our Price: $66.86 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $12.16 (15%)

    A Therapist’s Guide to Child Development gives therapists and counselors the basics they need to understand their clients in the context of development and to explain development to parents.

    Counselling Children and Young People in Private Practice

    Retail Price: $72.94

    Our Price: $62.80 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.14 (14%)

    This book offers comprehensive guidance to both experienced and novice counsellors to assist them in the process of setting up or adapting their private practice to include children and young people.

    Forensic Psychology Reconsidered: A Critique of Mental Illness and the Courts

    Retail Price: $101.31

    Our Price: $93.20 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.11 (8%)

    This accessible text focuses on the criminal law implications of forensic psychology as it relates to topics such as competency to stand trial, state of mind at the time of the crime, suicide by cop, and involuntary psychiatric medication administered in custody.

    Substance Abuse Treatment and the Stages of Change: Selecting and Planning Interventions (2nd Edition)

    Retail Price: $66.86

    Our Price: $60.78 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.08 (9%)

    A widely adopted practitioner resource and course text, this book shows how to apply knowledge about behavior change in general — and the stages-of-change model in particular — to make substance abuse treatment more effective.

    Cognitive Behavioural Counselling in Action

    Retail Price: $76.99

    Our Price: $60.78 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $16.21 (21%)

    This best-selling, practical, evidence-based guide to the cognitive behavioural approach takes you step-by-step through the process of counselling, from initial contact with the client to termination and follow up.

    101 Solution-Focused Questions for Help with Depression

    Retail Price: $26.33

    Our Price: $24.30 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.03 (8%)

    This short guidebook invites professionals to help clients view their problems in terms of what is going right rather than what is going wrong. Bannink equips clinicians with a toolbox of ready-to-use approaches to visualizing goals and solutions, providing support as clients find their way out of depression.

    101 Solution-Focused Questions for Help with Anxiety

    Retail Price: $26.33

    Our Price: $24.30 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.03 (8%)

    This short guidebook invites professionals to help clients view their anxiety problems in terms of what is going right rather than what is going wrong.

    101 Solution-Focused Questions for Help with Trauma

    Retail Price: $32.40

    Our Price: $30.38 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.02 (6%)

    This short guidebook invites professionals to help clients view their problems in terms of what is going right rather than what is going wrong.

    This title takes 1-3 weeks to supply

    Trauma and Memory: Brain and Body in a Search for the Living Past: A Practical Guide for Understanding and Working with Traumatic Memory

    Retail Price: $40.51

    Our Price: $30.38 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.13 (25%)

    Written for trauma sufferers as well as mental health care practitioners, Trauma and Memory is a groundbreaking look at how memory is constructed and how influential memories are on our present state of being.

    The Art of Relational Supervision: Clinical Implications of the Use of Self in Group Supervision

    Retail Price: $68.88

    Our Price: $58.75 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.13 (15%)

    The Art of Relational Supervision demonstrates the clinical implications of the relational approach when applied to supervision. Describing her philosophical and theoretical rationale for setting up relational supervision groups, Helena Hargaden’s goal in supervision is to reveal the relational unconscious within the client/therapist relationship.

    Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses: A Sensorimotor Music-Based Treatment Approach

    Retail Price: $66.86

    Our Price: $50.64 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $16.22 (24%)

    In Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses, Dorita S. Berger reveals how Eurhythmics, a method of teaching the musical concepts of rhythm, structure and expression kinaesthetically through movement, can help develop sensorimotor skills in children and adults with autism and other special needs.

    Breathe Through This: Mindfulness for Parents of Teenagers

    Retail Price: $30.38

    Our Price: $28.35 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.03 (7%)

    This little book, written by Eline Snel, a popular therapist and mindfulness teacher, is a very appealing introduction to mindfulness meditation for parents of teenagers. In a warm, simple, and accessible way, Snel describes what mindfulness is and how mindfulness-based practices can help you calm down during tense and heated moments and become a more focused and open-hearted parent. Snel includes numerous guided meditations on the accompanying audio.

    Autism Movement Therapy Method: Waking Up the Brain!

    Retail Price: $46.59

    Our Price: $38.48 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.11 (17%)

    A practical guide to the innovative Autism Movement Therapy (R) (AMT) approach – structured movement and music classes designed to stimulate the brain, aid sensory processing and decrease problem behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorders.

    Love and Therapy: In Relationship

    Retail Price: $58.75

    Our Price: $50.64 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.11 (14%)

    Sigmund Freud noted the importance of love in the healing of the human psyche. So many of life’s distresses have their origins in lack of love, disruption of love, or trauma. People naturally seek love in their lives to feel complete. Is therapy a substitute for love? Or is it love by another name? This important book looks at the place of love in therapy and whether it is the curative factor.

    Transactional Analysis for Depression: A step-by-step treatment manual

    Retail Price: $72.94

    Our Price: $65.86 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.08 (10%)

    Mark Widdowson provides the reader with a solid understanding about the nature of depression and clear guidance about how to provide effective psychotherapy for depressed clients.

    Introduction to Career Counselling & Coaching

    Retail Price: $79.02

    Our Price: $61.81 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $17.21 (22%)

    This book offers a practical introduction for those training in the field of career development, career counselling and career coaching, this book will take your students through established and emerging theory and the different contexts in which career work takes place introducing the key skills, techniques and models they’ll need.

    The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief

    Retail Price: $34.43

    Our Price: $30.38 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.05 (12%)

    Describing how Western patterns of amnesia and anesthesia affect our capacity to cope with personal and collective sorrows, Weller reveals the new vitality we may encounter when we welcome, rather than fear, the pain of loss.

    EMDR Therapy with First Responders: Models, Scripted Protocols, and Summary Sheets for Mental Health Interventions

    Retail Price: $48.62

    Our Price: $44.56 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.06 (8%)

    This book presents step-by-step scripts that enable new practitioners and seasoned EMDR clinicians, trainers, and consultants alike to incorporate EMDR Therapy into their case conceptualizations and treatment plans when working with first responders who have suffered acute stress injuries during man-made and natural disasters.

    EMDR Therapy for Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses

    Retail Price: $117.54

    Our Price: $101.31 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $16.23 (14%)

    This practical resource is the first to apply EMDR to clients/patients with psychotic disorders. It provides a summary of the latest research covering the use of EMDR in schizophrenia and the other psychoses, and demonstrates how an easy to use adaptation of the standard EMDR 8-phase protocol, the ICoNN model can be successfully applied in this client group with good outcomes.

    EMDR Therapy for Clinician Self-Care: Models, Scripted Protocols, and Summary Sheets for Mental Health Interventions

    Retail Price: $48.62

    Our Price: $44.56 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.06 (8%)

    EMDR Therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach based on standard procedures and protocols. This book presents step-by-step scripts-using the standard procedures and protocols of EMDR therapy as their template-that enable psychotherapists to practice self-care while treating traumatized populations.

    EMDR Therapy and Emergency Response: Models, Scripted Protocols, and Summary Sheets for Mental Health Interventions

    Retail Price: $44.56

    Our Price: $40.51 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.05 (9%)

    EMDR Therapy is a psychotherapy approach based on standard procedures and protocols. Using these standard procedures and protocols as its template, this book presents step-by-step scripts that enable EMDR clinicians, trainers, and consultants alike to incorporate EMDR Therapy into their case conceptualizations and treatment plans when working with populations in the aftermath of catastrophic events.

    Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment Problems

    Retail Price: $60.78

    Our Price: $54.70 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.08 (10%)

    This book vividly shows how creative arts and play therapy can help children recover from experiences of disrupted or insecure attachment.

    Getting Better Bite by Bite: A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders (2nd Edition)

    Retail Price: $50.64

    Our Price: $43.57 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.07 (14%)

    Getting Better Bite by Bite is an essential, authoritative and evidence-based self-help programme that has been used by bulimia sufferers for over 20 years. This new edition maintains the essence of the original book, while updating its content for today’s readers, drawing on the latest knowledge of the biology and psychology of bulimia and its treatment.