
    Transforming Sexual Narratives: A Relational Approach to Sex Therapy

    Retail Price: $65.38

    Our Price: $56.36 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (14%)

    Transforming Sexual Narratives offers readers the opportunity to address complex sexual problems through Narrative Relational Sex Therapy (NRST), an original approach that Suzanne Iasenza has developed during twenty-five years of clinical practice.

    Existential Group Counselling and Psychotherapy

    Retail Price: $60.87

    Our Price: $51.85 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (15%)

    Existential Group Counselling and Psychotherapy provides a theoretical and practical foundation for practice. It serves as a guide that provides a solid grounding in the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of therapeutic group-work from an existential perspective.

    Attachment in Group Psychotherapy

    Retail Price: $87.94

    Our Price: $78.91 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.03 (10%)

    This book will help group leaders gain a richer understanding of attachment theory and attachment based techniques that will ultimately benefit their groups. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy.

    Psychiatry and Mental Health: A guide for counsellors and psychotherapists

    Retail Price: $78.91

    Our Price: $67.07 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.84 (15%)

    Trauma and Dissociation-Informed Psychotherapy: Relational Healing and the Therapeutic Connection

    Retail Price: $63.13

    Our Price: $54.11 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (14%)

    This book discusses how people are universally subject to trauma, what trauma is and how to understand and work with normative as well as extreme dissociation.

    Non-Binary Lives: An Anthology of Intersecting Identities

    Retail Price: $38.32

    Our Price: $32.70 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.62 (15%)

    ‘Essential reading for anyone wishing to learn more about the wonderful diversity of humans.’ – The Independent

    Toward a Sociology of Music Therapy: Musicking as a Cultural Immunogen

    Retail Price: $130.79

    Our Price: $128.53 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.26 (2%)

    Toward a Sociology of Music Therapy: Musicking as a Cultural Immunogen addresses how music therapy may expand its theoretical foundation toward sociology in order to meet some of the major health challenges in contemporary societies.

    Chaplains as Partners in Medical Decision-Making: Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy

    Retail Price: $63.13

    Our Price: $50.74 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $12.39 (20%)

    This insightful collection of case studies shows how chaplains can effectively support patients and their families in making decisions regarding medical care, as well as for their spiritual needs.

    Bion: 365 Quotes

    Retail Price: $63.13

    Our Price: $54.11 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (14%)

    The book is structured in a way that will inform and interest the general reader as well as giving something new to psychoanalysts and others who already know his work well.

    Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process (Second Edition)

    Retail Price: $85.68

    Our Price: $81.17 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.51 (5%)

    Guidelines are provided for developing a systematic yet flexible diagnostic formulation and using it to inform treatment. Highly readable, the book features a wealth of illustrative clinical examples.

    Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Principles and Practice of a Relational Approach to Mental Health (Second Edition)

    Retail Price: $72.06

    Our Price: $63.13 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.93 (12%)

    This new edition of the definitive text to CAT offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to its origins, development, and practice. It also provides a fully updated overview of developments in the theory, research, and applications of CAT, including clarification and re-statement of basic concepts, such as reciprocal roles and reciprocal role procedures, as well as extensions into new areas of expertise.

    Basic Verbal Skills for Music Therapists

    Retail Price: $148.83

    Our Price: $144.32 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.51 (3%)

    This innovative new text provides a clear and practical foundation for understanding how words and verbalization can be used in a variety of ways in music therapy to meet the individual needs of each client across a range of settings. The focus is on giving music therapy students and young professionals a roadmap for deciding why, when, and how to use basic verbal skills in their work.

    Embodied VoiceWork: Beyond Singing

    Retail Price: $101.47

    Our Price: $98.11 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $3.36 (3%)

    Embodied VoiceWork: Beyond Singing is an introduction to the theory and practice of Embodied VoiceWork (EVW), a comprehensive method developed by the author exploring vocal improvisation as an expressive language and transformational tool. This book serves as a resource for exploring one’s own voice and using voice as an integral part of the therapeutic process. It lays out the resources and the power within the process of connecting into music, the body and the breath, and freeing the voice.

    Counselling Skills in Action (4TH Edition)

    Retail Price: $65.38

    Our Price: $56.36 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (14%)

    Now in its 4th edition, this bestselling book introduces you to the core counselling and psychotherapy skills you will need for effective therapeutic practice. With an online resource site featuring over 30 videos, you will be taken step-by-step through the skills and strategies needed at each stage of the therapy process.

    Bion and Thoughts Too Deep for Words: Psychoanalysis, Suggestion, and the Language of the Unconscious

    Retail Price: $67.64

    Our Price: $58.62 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.02 (13%)

    Distinguishing psychoanalysis, as a search for truth, from suggestion, as a cure for symptoms, this book addresses the scientific status of psychoanalysis. Citing research into the relationship of infants to their caretakers, the author discusses evidence that unconscious communication is present from birth, and that this form of communication plays a central role in psychoanalysis at a level below that of verbal communication.

    The Clinician’s Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood (2nd Edition)

    Retail Price: $103.72

    Our Price: $84.57 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $19.15 (18%)

    This authoritative guide has been completely revised and expanded with over 90% new material in a new step-by-step format.

    Improving School Climate

    Retail Price: $67.64

    Our Price: $60.87 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.77 (10%)

    Improving School Climate provides evidence-based and practical strategies for cultivating a healthy school environment, while also avoiding behavior problems.

    Cognitive Behavioural Coaching

    Retail Price: $56.36

    Our Price: $49.59 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.77 (12%)

    This book will be invaluable to all those who are interested in becoming more personally effective in their everyday lives, and to counsellors, coaches and psychologists, students and qualified alike.

    Music Therapy in Child Welfare: Bridging Provision, Protection, and Participation

    Retail Price: $101.47

    Our Price: $98.11 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $3.36 (3%)

    Music Therapy in Child Welfare explores the relationship between children’s rights and international child welfare and music therapy theory, research and practice. The purpose of the book is to contribute to an increased awareness among adults who work with children and adolescents in child welfare settings regarding music’s role, music therapy, and children’s rights.

    Invisible Trauma: Women, Difference and the Criminal Justice System

    Retail Price: $60.87

    Our Price: $30.42 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $30.45 (50%)

    There is an expectation that women will be nurturers and carers. Women who have been judged violent, destructive and criminal and who are detained in the criminal justice system can find themselves perceived through a distorted lens as unwomanly. This book explains how they become hypervisible in their difference, while the histories of trauma and suffering that are communicated through their offending and other risk behaviour remain hidden, and so are unseen.

    The Gift of Presence: A Mindfulness Guide for Women

    Retail Price: $33.81

    Our Price: $27.04 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.77 (20%)

    A practical, user-friendly guide for women seeking focus and calm in the midst of life’s storms.

    Magnificent Sex: Lessons from Extraordinary Lovers

    Retail Price: $42.83

    Our Price: $37.69 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.14 (12%)

    Magnificent Sex is based on the largest, in-depth interview study ever conducted with people who are having extraordinary sex. It gathers the nuggets for remarkable sex from the “experts”, distilling them into an attainable blueprint for ordinary lovers who want to make erotic intimacy grow over the course of a lifetime. Looking at factors including individual and relational qualities, empathic communication and the myths and realities of magnificent sex, this book offers accessible and evidence-based guidance for lovers and therapists alike.

    Claude Steiner, Emotional Activist The Life and Work of Claude Steiner

    Retail Price: $74.40

    Our Price: $66.53 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.87 (11%)

    This book describes the work and life of Claude Michel Steiner, a close colleague and friend of Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis. Steiner was an early and influential transactional analyst, an exponent of radical psychiatry, and the founder of emotional literacy. Steiner also contributed a number of theories and concepts to the psychological literature.

    Contemporary Sex Therapy

    Retail Price: $81.17

    Our Price: $69.89 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.28 (14%)

    Contemporary Sex Therapy explores modern sexuality, its expression and problems, and some of the uniquely twenty-first century issues facing sex therapists and society as a whole. Seeking solutions to these and other common sexual and relationship problems, the book provides a practical, sensitive and modern approach, which tackles the complexities of contemporary relationships, identity, love and sex.