
EMDR Consultants Resources Book (Paperback 2nd Edition)
Our Price: $39.59 (with free UK delivery)
A completely revised second edition including a wealth of new information. Includes articles on case formulation, completing supervisees’ accreditation forms, applying supervision theory to the process of EMDR supervision as well as new checklists, a sample supervision contract and the introduction to the recently published NHS Competency Framework for EMDR.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR Case Formulation: Principles, Forms, Scripts & Worksheets
Our Price: $24.86 (with free UK delivery)
Direct from Francine Shapiro herself, outlines and summarises in simple, direct language how EMDR is best applied, all the way through the three prongs and the eight stages. Greatly prized by newcomers still getting used to the protocol, but invaluable too for older hands concerned to keep their practise sharp.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

Grounded: How Connection With Nature Can Improve Our Mental and Physical Wellbeing
Our Price: $31.65 (with free UK delivery)
How do we understand nature? Benevolent and supportive? Wild and threatening? Reassuring or unpredictable? We all have a different experience of, and relationship with, nature.

Creative DBT Activities Using Music: Interventions for Enhancing Engagement and Effectiveness in Therapy
Our Price: $40.69 (with free UK delivery)
This book provides clinicians (particularly those specialising in DBT) with music activities and creative ideas to implement with existing practices, to strengthen what clients are being taught in DBT skills groups. These new ideas can be used with clients individually, in groups, or be given as homework.

Supporting Autistic People with Eating Disorders: A Guide to Adapting Treatment and Supporting Recovery
Our Price: $42.96 (with free UK delivery)
This book explores the link between autism and eating disorders through testimonies from practitioners, service users and carers. Combining research findings, case studies and first-hand accounts, it provides insights into how individuals on the autism spectrum can be supported towards full recovery from an eating disorder.

Translation/Transformation: 100 Years of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis
Our Price: $66.57 (with free UK delivery)
Translation is at the heart of psychoanalysis: from unconscious to conscious, experience to verbal expression, internal to enacted, dream thought to dream image, language to interpretation, unrepresented to represented, and transference of past to present.

VoC’SUDs Children Version
Our Price: $23.75 (with free UK delivery)
A4 sized laminated sheet. One side shows the SUD and VOC in visual form illustrated by a series of facial expressions. Client is asked to point to place on scale that represents their SUD or VOC. Reverse side shows list of common Negative and Positive Cognitions suitable for children to choose from.
Proceeds for this sheet go to Trauma Aid UK.

VoC’SUDs Adult Version
Our Price: $23.75 (with free UK delivery)
A4 sized laminated sheet. One side shows the SUD and VOC in visual form illustrated by a series of facial expressions. Client is asked to point to place on scale that represents their SUD or VOC. Reverse side shows list of common Negative and Positive Cognitions for client to choose from.
Proceeds for this sheet go to Trauma Aid UK.

Systemic Research in Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling
Our Price: $150.43 (with free UK delivery)
This book examines systemic family therapy research, addressing key topics across the interrelated disciplines of psychotherapy, social work, and counseling. Drawing from contributions at the 2017 International Systemic Research Conference in Heidelberg, it includes both quantitative and qualitative research perspectives and outlines a wide array of approaches, using systems theory and constructivist epistemology.

EMDR and Mourning
Our Price: $24.86 (with free UK delivery)
First class summary by Dutch senior EMDR trainer Joany Spierings of the nature and quality of bereavement, and how EMDR can be used to address the pain of loss that has become stuck and facilitate the process of healthy grieving.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR Protocol Pad
Our Price: $23.75 (with free UK delivery)
Possibly HAP’s best-seller, and a useful summary of the entire basic EMDR protocol on one side of A4, in two columns on a big pad, a new sheet for each target, guiding you through the steps in order, with space to make notes. Especially valuable for therapists starting out on EMDR.
Proceeds for this pad go to Trauma Aid UK.

Heavy Light
Our Price: $22.60 (with free UK delivery)
Partly a tribute to those who looked after Horatio, from family and friends to strangers and professionals, and partly an investigation into how we understand and treat acute crises of mental health, Heavy Light’s beauty, power and compassion illuminate a fundamental part of human experience. It asks urgent questions about mental health that affect each and every one of us.

Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics
Our Price: $62.39 (with free UK delivery)
Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics examines the world using a systemic and psychoanalytic lens, including concepts of splitting, separation, projection, displacement, and the return of the repressed.

Changing Our Minds: How Children Can Take Control of Their Own Learning
Our Price: $26.58 (with free UK delivery)
Changing Our Minds brings together research, theory and practice on learning. It includes interviews with influential thinkers in the field of self-directed education and examples from families alongside practical advice. This essential guide will give you an understanding of why self-directed education makes sense, how it works, and what to do to put it into action yourself.

Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life: Common Distress
Our Price: $48.63 (with free UK delivery)
Bringing together a dozen contributions from psychoanalysts of many different countries and theoretical orientations, Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life, a collective work edited by Howard Levine and Ana de Staal, offers readers the opportunity to explore and reflect upon the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has begun to influence analytical practice.

Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild
Our Price: $21.49 (with free UK delivery)
Urgent and uplifting, Losing Eden is a rallying cry for a wilder way of life – for finding asylum in the soil and joy in the trees – which might just help us to save the living planet, as well as ourselves.

Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers
Our Price: $74.63 (with free UK delivery)
This open access book outlines the intersections between social work and the methods of sociometry and psychodrama. Different sections offer essential practice wisdom for both trauma-focused and trauma-informed experiential work for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.

An Experience-based Vision of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice: Seeking, Feeling, and Relating
Our Price: $48.63 (with free UK delivery)
An Experience-based Vision of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice looks at each individual as a motivated doer doing, seeking, feeling, and intending, and relates development, sense of self, and identity to changes that are brought about in analytic psychotherapy.

Touch is Really Strange
Our Price: $22.60 (with free UK delivery)
The latest addition to the Really Strange series, this science-based graphic comic addresses these questions and more, revealing the complexity of touch and exploring its power and limits. Used positively, touch can change pain and trauma, communicate compassion and love and generate social bonding. Get it wrong and it can be abusive and terrifying.

Case Studies in Clinical Practice with Trans and Gender Non-Binary Clients: A Handbook for Working with Children, Adolescents, and Adults
Our Price: $47.48 (with free UK delivery)
By enabling a greater knowledge of work with trans people and therefore filling an important gap in available literature, Case Studies in Clinical Practice with Trans and Gender Non-Binary Clients allows mental health providers to understand the nuanced differences of handling clinical concerns for their trans clients.

The Making of a Therapist: A Practical Guide for the Inner Journey
Our Price: $42.96 (with free UK delivery)
Veteran therapist and mental health writer Louis Cozolino’s classic text contains all of the things he wished someone had told him during the first weeks and months of his clinical training. Now available in paperback, the book includes guidance about working with your clients, such as how to cope with silence, handle their direct questions, and get them to talk less and say more.

The Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Our Price: $38.43 (with free UK delivery)
At last, a comprehensive overview of Relational thinking and its impact on psychoanalytic technique written for both senior clinicians and those newer to the field.
This title is currently unavailable.

Found Objects in Art Therapy: Materials and Process
Our Price: $52.01 (with free UK delivery)
This is the ideal resource for any art therapist wishing to explore the use of this non-traditional medium to enrich their practice.

Men’s Accounts of Boarding School: Sent Away
Our Price: $41.85 (with free UK delivery)
Much has been written about the adverse effects of early separation and broken attachments, and these men illustrate this research in their accounts. This book will be insightful and useful reading for therapists working with the issues of Boarding School Syndrome, as well as former boarders.