
    Polyvagal Theory and the Developing Child: Building Healthy Brains, Kids, Families, and Communities

    Retail Price: $74.20

    Our Price: $58.45 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $15.75 (21%)

    At its heart, polyvagal theory describes how the brain s unconscious sense of safety or danger impacts our emotions and behaviors. In this powerful book, pediatrician and neonatologist Marilyn R. Sanders and child psychiatrist George S. Thompson offer readers both a meditation on caregiving and a call to action for physicians, educators, and mental health providers.

    Imagery in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

    Retail Price: $85.44

    Our Price: $75.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.25 (12%)

    Richly illustrated with clinical material, this book presents specific techniques for working with multisensory imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

    Trauma and Identity: Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy: Theory and Practice

    Retail Price: $44.87

    Our Price: $39.36 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.51 (12%)

    In this book Vivian Broughton brings together all the important theoretical concepts on the topics of trauma, trauma survival and identity developed by Professor Dr Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years, known as Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IOPT). It is likely to be of interest to therapists and all professionals who work with people and their life difficulties, as well as anyone interested in understanding themselves better.

    Wild Therapy: Rewilding our inner and outer worlds

    Retail Price: $47.21

    Our Price: $42.71 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $4.50 (10%)

    This second edition builds on the first to suggest what a wild civilisation might be like, and how psychotherapy could help create it.

    Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens, Second Edition: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for Helping You Manage Mood Swings, Control Angry Outbursts, and Get Along with Others

    Retail Price: $35.96

    Our Price: $33.71 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.25 (6%)

    Take charge of your emotions, take charge of your life! Now fully revised and updated, this workbook offers proven-effective dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills to help you find emotional balance and live the life you want.

    Polyvagal Safety: Attachment, Communication, Self-Regulation

    Retail Price: $80.94

    Our Price: $73.09 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.85 (10%)

    Our reaction to the continuing global pandemic supports one of the central concepts of polyvagal theory: that a desire to connect safely with others is our biological imperative. Indeed, life may be seen as an inherent quest for safety. These ideas, and more, are outlined in chapters on therapeutic presence, group psychotherapy, yoga and music therapy, autism, trauma, date rape, medical trauma and COVID-19.

    Mindfulness-Based Relational Supervision: Mutual Learning and Transformation

    Retail Price: $62.95

    Our Price: $52.85 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.10 (16%)

    Mindfulness-Based Relational Supervision explores a relational and mindfulness-based approach to adult learning and development that is mutually transformational.

    Metaphors in Counselor Education and Supervision

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $58.45 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $13.50 (19%)

    Metaphors in Counselor Education and Supervision provides counselor educators and supervisors with creative applications of metaphors to help students and supervisees who struggle with abstract clinical concepts or foundational clinical skills.

    Wilfred Bion and Literary Criticism

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $62.95 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.00 (13%)

    The first full-length study to explore the potential of Bion’s ideas for literary criticism, Wilfred Bion and Literary Criticism introduces his complex and extensive work for a new audience in an accessible and engaging way, and will be of great interest to scholars of creative writing, literary criticism and psychoanalysis.

    The Shyness Workbook: Build Social Confidence Using Your Compassionate Mind

    Retail Price: $38.21

    Our Price: $28.11 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.10 (26%)

    There is nothing wrong with being shy – it is a natural emotion that everyone can experience. But if shyness is negatively impacting your life, The Shyness Workbook can help you grow your confidence.

    An Introduction to Jungian Coaching

    Retail Price: $62.95

    Our Price: $53.95 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.00 (14%)

    A valuable introductory resource for all those involved in coaching relationships, this book can empower coaches and serve as a compass for personal growth. It will be of great interest to practicing coaches, executives, human resource managers, consultants and psychotherapists.

    Passions, Persons, Psychotherapy, Politics: The selected works of Andrew Samuels

    Retail Price: $87.69

    Our Price: $78.69 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.00 (10%)

    Samuels has written a highly personal and confessional introduction to the book. Each chapter also has its own topical introduction, written in a clear and informal style. There is also much that will challenge the long-held beliefs of many working in politics and in the social sciences. This unique collection of papers will be of interest to psychotherapists, Jungian analysts, psychoanalysts and counsellors – as well as those undertaking academic work in those areas.

    New Techniques of Grief Therapy: Bereavement and Beyond

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $61.85 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.10 (14%)

    New Techniques of Grief Therapy: Bereavement and Beyond expands on the mission of the previous two Techniques books, featuring innovative approaches to address the needs of those whose lives have been shadowed by loss―whether through bereavement, serious illness, the rupture of a relationship, or other complex or intangible losses, such as of an identity-defining career.

    Compassion Focused Group Therapy for University Counseling Centers: A Clinician’s Guide

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $66.19 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.76 (8%)

    This manual is designed to be used by licensed clinicians and should be used in conjunction with the manual’s companion Compassion Focused Therapy Participant Workbook which provides clients with summaries of each session, handouts, and key exercises.

    Compassion Focused Therapy Participant Workbook

    Retail Price: $56.20

    Our Price: $49.46 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.74 (12%)

    Compassion Focused Therapy Participant Workbook is a companion book to Compassion Focused Group Therapy for University Counseling Centers, a one-of-a-kind 12-session manual for conducting compassion focused group therapy on college campuses.

    Psychodynamic Coaching and Supervision for Executives: An Entrepreneur and a Psychoanalyst in Dialogue

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $62.95 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.00 (13%)

    This book will be an illuminating guide for therapists and professionals who wish to learn how psychoanalytic theory and practice can be used for coaching, counseling, and supervision in an organizational context.

    Life after a partner’s suicide attempt

    Retail Price: $44.96

    Our Price: $38.21 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.75 (15%)

    Life After a Partner’s Suicide Attempt is the first publication to document in depth the lived experiences of the partners of individuals who have attempted to take their own lives. Although no one has died, the ramifications are, nonetheless, life changing and permanent. Research in suicidology has paid virtually no attention to these partners, other than to explore their role as caregiver.

    Suicide in Children and Adolescents: New Interventions and Risk Factors

    Retail Price: $292.38

    Our Price: $256.37 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $36.01 (12%)

    This book highlights the current epidemiology of suicide among children and adolescents, as well as identifying important risk factors and evidence-based treatment options. To accomplish this, this book is organized into two major sections: (1) contributing factors to the emergence of child and adolescent suicide, and (2) evidence-based treatment of child and adolescent suicide.

    Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

    Retail Price: $78.72

    Our Price: $67.45 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.27 (14%)

    A truly magnificent accomplishment – Salman Akhtar has achieved his century! Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis is Dr Akhtar’s one hundredth book and contains one hundred inspirational stories taken from throughout his working life. Written in his inimitable style, the book is a treasure trove for anyone with an interest in psychoanalysis.

    Are You Listening?: Stories from a Coaching Life

    Retail Price: $33.71

    Our Price: $28.09 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.62 (17%)

    Exploring Jenny’s beautifully written and moving stories will offer the reader a chance for deep reflection on the meaning of modern relationships.

    Users and Abusers of Psychiatry: A Critical Look at Psychiatric Practice by Lucy Johnstone

    Retail Price: $71.95

    Our Price: $61.85 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.10 (14%)

    Users and Abusers of Psychiatry is a challenging but ultimately inspiring read for all who are involved in mental health – whether as professionals, students, service users, relatives or interested lay people.

    A Practical Self-Help Guide to Managing Comfort Eating

    Retail Price: $49.46

    Our Price: $40.46 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.00 (18%)

    A Practical Self-Help Guide to Comfort Eating is a workbook that helps build understanding and make sense of emotional or comfort eating and offers new ways to think about and manage relationships with food and weight.

    Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice

    Retail Price: $89.94

    Our Price: $78.69 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.25 (13%)

    Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society is the authoritative guide to the study of and work with major themes in bereavement. The classic edition includes a new preface from the lead editors discussing advances in the field since the book’s initial publication.

    Doodle Your Worries Away: A CBT Doodling Workbook for Children Who Feel Worried or Anxious

    Retail Price: $33.71

    Our Price: $31.46 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $2.25 (7%)

    Drawn from over 15 years of experience of supporting young people with anxiety, this workbook takes an integrative approach and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to support a child experiencing worry.