
    Receptive Methods in Music Therapy: Techniques and Clinical Applications for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators and Students

    Retail Price: $72.49

    Our Price: $61.51 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.98 (15%)

    This practical book describes the specific use of receptive (listening) methods and techniques in music therapy clinical practice and research, including relaxation with music for children and adults, the use of visualisation and imagery, music and collage, song-lyric discussion, vibroacoustic applications, music and movement techniques, and other forms of aesthetic listening to music.

    Gestalt Therapy: Living Creatively Today

    Retail Price: $72.49

    Our Price: $65.24 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.25 (10%)

    On Aggression and Violence: An Analytic Perspective

    Retail Price: $92.27

    Our Price: $81.28 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.99 (12%)

    Aggressive and violent patients are an increasing concern for mental health professionals. Mizen and Morris critically review psychoanalytic literature and present their own coherent and practical new model. The clear clinical focus and emphasis on managing violence in therapy, makes this book essential reading for practitioners and trainees.

    This is a print on demand title and will take two/three weeks to supply


    The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization

    Retail Price: $83.48

    Our Price: $74.69 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.79 (11%)

    Recognising the structural dissociation that often results from trauma and proposing a plan for action that a survivor must implement in order to put his or her haunted past to rest, this book is of interest to researchers as well as therapists.

    Reminiscence Theatre: Making Theatre from Memories

    Retail Price: $79.09

    Our Price: $63.70 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $15.39 (19%)

    Reminiscence theatre is about seeing and realising the dramatic potential in real life stories. It takes verbatim memories as the basis for theatre scripts, using the experiences of older people as a source of artistic productions and therapeutic creativity.

    Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy

    Retail Price: $94.47

    Our Price: $72.49 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $21.98 (23%)

    Bridging the gap between cognitive and somatic models. Psychological trauma profoundly affects the body. Drawing on this insight, the authors present a body-based approach to the psychological and physiological symptoms of trauma.

    Witness Testimony: Psychological, Investigative and Evidential Perspectives

    Retail Price: $263.69

    Our Price: $243.89 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $19.80 (8%)

    This book provides comprehensive coverage of the complex and controversial topic of witness testimony across the complete spectrum of practitioner involvement in the criminal justice process

    Getting Started with REBT: A Concise Guide for Clients

    Retail Price: $41.73

    Our Price: $35.14 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.59 (16%)

    Getting Started with REBT provides a concise guide to assessing the suitability of REBT and using this method to address your emotional problems.

    Equine Utilised Psychotherapy: Dance with Those That Run with Laughter

    Retail Price: $43.93

    Our Price: $21.95 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $21.98 (50%)

    Explore the fascinating topic of Equine Utilised Psychotherapy through Don Lavender’s book.

    Family and Multi-Family Work with Psychosis: A Guide for Professionals

    Retail Price: $79.09

    Our Price: $63.26 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $15.83 (20%)

    This accessible, jargon-free guide will be of great interest to anyone interested in investigating the potential for using family work to treat those with psychosis.

    About a Body: Working with the Embodied Mind in Psychotherapy

    Retail Price: $76.89

    Our Price: $68.10 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.79 (11%)

    This unique collection invites the reader to consider the way we think about the embodied mind, and how it can inform both our lives and our work in psychotherapy and counselling.

    The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic Perspectives

    Retail Price: $87.88

    Our Price: $76.89 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.99 (13%)

    The idea of the numinous is often raised in psychoanalytic and psychodynamic contexts, but it is rarely itself subjected to close scrutiny. This volume examines how the numinous has gained currency in the post-modern world, demonstrating how the numinous is no longer confined to religious discourses but is included in humanist, secular and scientific views of the world.

    Working With Anger And Young People

    Working With Anger And Young People

    Retail Price: $46.12

    Our Price: $39.53 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.59 (14%)

    Understanding the roots of anger and encouraging appropriate and acceptable ways of expressing this are essential skills for anyone working with young people. “Working with Anger and Young People” warns against ‘quick fix’ solutions to dealing with anger, and draws on the author’s experiences of youth counselling and training workshops to propose helpful interventions for addressing anger effectively and moving on from it.

    Counselling for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (3rd Edition)

    Retail Price: $76.89

    Our Price: $59.31 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $17.58 (23%)

    The third edition of this important title addresses the specifics of counselling clients who have suffered major trauma, whether recently or in the past, and includes 18 detailed case examples together with transcripts of sessions.

    Music Therapy Methods in Neurorehabilitation: A Clinician’s Manual

    Retail Price: $109.87

    Our Price: $83.48 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $26.39 (24%)

    Felicity Baker and Jeanette Tamplin combine research findings with their own clinical experience and present step-by-step instructions and guidelines on how to implement music therapy techniques for a range of therapeutic needs.

    Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

    Retail Price: $83.48

    Our Price: $63.70 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $19.78 (24%)

    This title provides practical strategies for those new to counselling in this field and valuable new insights for experienced counsellors.

    The Unborn Child: Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming Problems of Early Origin

    Retail Price: $79.09

    Our Price: $72.49 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.60 (8%)

    The Unborn Child is essential reading for parents, potential parents and grandparents, as well as professionals with responsibility for children, and bringing babies into the world. This book describes prenatal and perinatal development, considering the legacy of health from both parents and grandparents. It explores the effects of the mother’s mental and physical state during pregnancy, on the physiology and psychology of her expected child.

    Dance Movement Therapy (2nd edition)

    Retail Price: $87.88

    Our Price: $74.69 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $13.19 (15%)

    This thoroughly updated edition of Dance Movement Therapy echoes the increased world-wide interest in dance movement therapy and makes a strong contribution to the emerging awareness of the nature of embodiment in psychotherapy.

    Dealing With Death

    Retail Price: $109.85

    Our Price: $82.40 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $27.45 (25%)

    This completely updated and expanded second edition takes into account the recent changes in UK law and the impact of the Harold Shipman and Alder Hey enquiries.

    From Pain to Violence (2nd Edition)

    Retail Price: $98.77

    Our Price: $92.27 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.50 (7%)

    This is a second edition and has been fully updated. A new chapter on terrorism has been added.

    A Question of Technique: Independent Psychoanalytic Approaches with Children and Adolescents

    Retail Price: $76.89

    Our Price: $65.90 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.99 (14%)

    A Question of Technique focuses on what actually happens in the therapy room and on the technical decisions and pressures that are faced daily.

    Coming from the Independent tradition in British psychoanalysis, the contributors, a range of experienced practitioners and teachers, describe how their technique has quietly changed and developed over the years, and put this process in its theoretical context.

    Psychodrama: A Beginner’s Guide

    Retail Price: $54.91

    Our Price: $43.93 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $10.98 (20%)

    As the first fully illustrated psychodrama book, this book will be welcomed by both students and professionals – whether wanting an accessible introduction, or to brush up on their knowledge. Readers will include psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, students, trainers, counsellors and other mental health professionals, as well as anyone interested in participating in or running a psychodrama group.

    Psychoanalysis and Religion in the 21st Century: Competitors or Collaborators?

    Retail Price: $94.47

    Our Price: $81.28 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $13.19 (14%)

    Spirituality and Counselling: Experiential and Theoretical Perspectives

    Retail Price: $50.54

    Our Price: $43.93 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $6.61 (13%)

    This book will be of interest to professionals concerned to explore the significance of spirituality in their life and practice, including practising counsellors and psychotherapists, and students at Certificate, Diploma and Masters levels.