
    The Worry Workbook for Teens: Effective CBT Strategies to Break the Cycle of Chronic Worry and Anxiety

    Retail Price: £14.99

    Our Price: £14.24 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £0.75 (5%)

    This fun, practical workbook offers effective, easy-to-understand cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) exercises to help you understand your chronic worrying, toss “junk mail” thoughts, and manage your fears in a constructive way.  

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents (Paperback)

    Retail Price: £37.99

    Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.00 (8%)

    Filling a tremendous need, this highly practical book adapts the proven techniques of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to treatment of multiproblem adolescents at highest risk for suicidal behavior and self-injury.

    New Developments in Expressive Arts Therapy: The Play of Poiesis

    Retail Price: £32.99

    Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (21%)

    This collection reflects on the theory and application of expressive arts today in therapy, education, research and social and ecological change. Bringing the understanding of expressive arts into its contemporary theoretical framework, the book reveals the expansion of the field from its initial focus on therapy alone into a diverse range of other areas of interest to therapists, educators, researchers and those interested in working for social and ecological change.

    Helping Babies and Children Aged 0-6 to Heal After Family Violence: A Practical Guide to Infant- and Child-Led Work

    Retail Price: £25.99

    Our Price: £21.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (15%)

    Dr. Wendy Bunston’s guide is here to help you to meet the emotional needs of children who are experiencing trauma, and to enable them to form healthy attachments, both within their families and beyond.

    Developing Resilience in Young People with Autism Using Social Stories

    Retail Price: £10.99

    Our Price: £10.50 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £0.49 (4%)

    Young people with autism can be particularly susceptible to setbacks, often leading to depression and a sense of hopelessness. Using Social Stories(TM), this book introduces a different way of looking at common life setbacks, and offer tools to overcome these obstacles, build resilience and develop coping strategies for the future.

    Art Therapy with Military Populations

    Retail Price: £31.99

    Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.00 (16%)

    Art Therapy with Military Populations provides an in-depth overview of both the theoretical and historical bases of art therapy with these groups while also chronicling the latest trends in treatment and the continued expansion of treatment settings.

    Conflict, Peace and Mental Health: Addressing the Consequences of Conflict and Trauma in Northern Ireland

    Retail Price: £80.00

    Our Price: £68.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £11.01 (14%)

    This is a practical book and will be of particular interest to those planning for and responding to conflict-related disasters, policy makers, service commissioners and providers, politicians, civil servants and peace makers.

    Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Traumatized Children (3rd Edition)]

    Retail Price: £42.00

    Our Price: £37.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.01 (10%)

    A highly accessible resource for students and professionals as well as parents, Building the Bonds of Attachment presents a composite case study of one child’s developmental course following years of abuse and neglect. Weaving theory and research into a powerful narrative, Hughes offers effective methods for facilitating attachment in children who have experienced serious trauma.

    This is a manufacture on demand title and can take up to 2-3 weeks to supply.

    Couples on the Couch: Psychoanalytic Couple Psychotherapy and the Tavistock Model

    Retail Price: £38.99

    Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £6.00 (15%)

    Couples on the Couch provides a clear guide to applying the Tavistock model of couple psychotherapy in clinical psychoanalytic practice, offering a compelling sampling of ideas about couple relationships and couple psychotherapy from a broadly relational psychoanalytic perspective. The book provides an in-depth perspective to understanding intimate relationships and the complexities of working in this domain

    Dramatherapy: Reflections and Praxis

    Retail Price: £28.99

    Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £1.00 (3%)

    A critical and cohesive collection of interdisciplinary perspectives on Dramatherapy as it is being practiced, developed and advanced today.

    Creative Play with Children at Risk (2nd edition)

    Retail Price: £44.99

    Our Price: £40.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (9%)

    This second edition is fully updated with the latest good practice in play. Based on an understanding of ‘Neuro-Dramatic-Play’, the book shows that play is an essential part of children’s healthy development and many children ‘at risk’ are those who are unable to play. It includes work with children with learning difficulties as well as those with developmental delay.

    Creative Storytelling with Children at Risk (2nd edition)

    Retail Price: £44.99

    Our Price: £41.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.00 (7%)

    This second edition is fully updated and addresses ways in which we can apply stories and storytelling with children who are troubled. Stories can empower children to take action and ask for help, including help with changes and life-plans

    Mad or Bad?

    Retail Price: £32.99

    Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (21%)

    A cutting-edge text that provides a comprehensive introduction to mental health problems and criminal behaviour, this book explores the link between mental health and criminality and considers the most common and effective therapeutic approaches for working with offenders and victims of crime.

    Trans Like Me: A Journey for All of Us

    Retail Price: £13.99

    Our Price: £11.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.00 (14%)

    In this eye-opening book, CN Lester, academic and activist, takes us on a journey through some of the most pressing issues concerning the trans debate.

    In Therapy Together: Family Therapy as a Dialogue

    Retail Price: £32.99

    Our Price: £30.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.00 (6%)

    Moving away from the medically-focused ‘problem-diagnosis-treatment’ model of psychotherapy, Peter Rober’s thought-provoking new text conceptualises family therapy as a dialogue between living, breathing people; it emphasises the mutuality and relational context that serves as the backdrop of a therapeutic encounter, whereby family members will interact, emotions will be displayed and suppressed, and practitioners will need to navigate carefully, endeavouring not just to listen but to understand the stories being told.

    Promoting Cultural Sensitivity in Supervision: A Manual for Practitioners

    Retail Price: £31.99

    Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.00 (16%)

    Promoting Cultural Sensitivity in Supervision: A Manual for Practitioners provides a roadmap for practicing and experienced supervisors to promote and integrate cultural sensitivity into the core of their work.   

    New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives

    Retail Price: £39.99

    Our Price: £36.79 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.20 (8%)

    New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives focuses on cutting-edge, therapy paradigms as alternatives to conventional clinical strategies.

    Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Healing and Transformation

    Retail Price: £35.99

    Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.00 (8%)

    Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy offers mental health professionals of all disciplines and orientations the most comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the state of the art and science in integrating mindfulness, compassion, and embodiment techniques.

    Embracing Touch in Dementia Care: A Person-Centred Approach to Touch and Relationships

    Retail Price: £22.99

    Our Price: £18.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (17%)

    This book restores trust in the power of touch, demonstrating the vital role it plays in supporting personhood, relationships and wellbeing, and challenging the barriers preventing staff from using touch in meaningful ways. 

    Psycho-spiritual Care in Health Care Practice

    Retail Price: £27.99

    Our Price: £22.50 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.49 (20%)

    Accessible and enlightening, this book offers significant practical insight into the role of psychologically informed spiritual care.

    Innovations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Strategic Interventions for Creative Practice

    Retail Price: £42.99

    Our Price: £36.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £6.00 (14%)

    This book goes well beyond standard CBT texts by highlighting new developments in the field and advancing a new definition of CBT that reflects the field’s evolution.

    Mindfulness in Social Psychology

    Retail Price: £48.99

    Our Price: £41.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (14%)

    This volume is the first to take a social-psychological approach to mindfulness research. It provides theoretical and methodological guidance for researchers across disciplines who are interested in the field and discusses fundamental processes in mindfulness, including its effect on emotion regulation, executive control, automatic and deliberative processing, and its relationship to self-construal and self-identity.

    A Web of Sorrow: Mistrust, Jealousy, Lovelessness, Shamelessness, Regret, Hopelessness

    Retail Price: £28.99

    Our Price: £23.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.00 (17%)

    Bringing together the experiences of mistrust, jealousy, lack of love, shamelessness, regret, and despair, this far-reaching book elucidates human sorrow in striking sociocultural and clinical details.

    Attachment-Based Yoga & Meditation for Trauma Recovery: Simple, Safe, and Effective Practices for Therapy

    Retail Price: £31.99

    Our Price: £28.50 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.49 (11%)

    This book offers an array of yoga, mind-body and attachment-based skills for therapists to use with, and teach their clients. The skills are organised around key trauma issues and symptoms, such as how to introduce somatic work for safe and secure therapy, working with dissociation, understanding trauma triggers and developing boundaries.