
Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement : An Evidence-Based Treatment for Chronic Pain and Opioid Use
Our Price: £33.99 (with free UK delivery)
MORE integrates mindfulness training with principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychology. In a convenient large-size format, the book provides everything needed to set up and run MORE groups. Treatment developer Eric L.

The Bodily Unconscious in Psychoanalytic Technique
Our Price: £25.49 (with free UK delivery)
The Bodily Unconscious in Psychoanalytic Technique explores how corporeality and body memory can be more strongly integrated into psychoanalytic work.

The Death Drive: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)
Written in a style that is at once accessible and precise, this book is an invaluable tool to students and psychoanalysts in training approaching the theory for the first time, as well as practising analysts, postgraduate students and scholars familiar with the concept and looking to explore it further.

The Anxiety Workbook: Calm Your Fears and Worries Using Your Compassionate Mind
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)
This accessible self-help guide provides the reader with a clear understanding of how problem anxiety develops, the kinds of problems it’s causing them and sets out ground-breaking Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) techniques to overcome their anxiety.
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Psychodynamic Counselling in Action
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
This revised sixth edition includes a new preface, updated further reading sections and a new chapter covering contemporary issues including online working, the application of a social justice and DEI agenda within the field of psychodynamic theory and practice.

Principles of Trauma Therapy: A Guide to Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment (3rd Revised Edition)
Our Price: £94.99 (with free UK delivery)
John Briere and Catherine Scott′s Principles of Trauma Therapy, Third Edition is both comprehensive in scope and highly practical in application. This best selling text provides a creative synthesis of cognitive-behavioral, relational, affect regulation, mindfulness, and psychopharmacologic approaches to the “real world” treatment of acute and chronic posttraumatic states.

How Does Analysis Cure?: Essays on a Psychoanalytic Method, Psychoanalytic Organizations and Psychoanalysts
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book investigates the analytic relationship as a process of giving patients the freedom to think the unthinkable (to build representations) and change repeated patterns of action into the possibility of reflection.

Play Is the Therapy: A Polyvagal-Informed Approach to Recognizing and Treating Child Traumatic Stress
Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)
Filled with kid-friendly activities, case studies, and sample scripts, this transformative treatment guide will allow you to harness the power of “polyvagal play” so you can: – Build rapport with children who struggle to trust others, particularly adults – Move past outdated and punitive behavioral management approaches – Reframe “problem” behaviors as adaptive nervous system responses – Use a playful approach to support kids in learning about their nervous system – Create feelings of safety and connection by simply being with your client in session.

Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction
Our Price: £50.99 (with free UK delivery)
This flexible, evidence-based manual offers counselors a gentle, compassionate approach to help people with trauma, addiction, or both explore their past.

A New Approach to Addiction and Choice: Akrasia and the Nature of Free Will
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)
This engaging book provides a novel examination of the nature of addiction, suggesting that by exploring akrasia―the tendency to act against one’s better judgement―we can better understand our addictive behaviors. It offers an alternative to the dominant biomedical model of addiction as a chronic brain disease by looking at the nature of how we make decisions and proposing the idea that biased choice is central to addiction.

A Jungian Analysis of Toxic Modern Society: Fighting the Culture of Loneliness
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
Using evidence from anthropology, neuroscience, psychiatry, analytical psychology, and evolutionary biology, within this book Dr. Erik Goodwyn explores the current cultural psyche, and how elements of modern society are contributing to the current loneliness epidemic.

Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: DSM-5-TR Diagnosis, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment
Our Price: £32.50 (with free UK delivery)
This reader-friendly guide provides essential, clinically valuable information for understanding and treating individuals living with each disorder.

A Patient’s Workbook for Functional Neurological Disorder: Helping To Release the Pressure
Our Price: £27.25 (with free UK delivery)
This self-help workbook offers guidance for those coping with functional neurological disorder (FND).

Reflections on Play Therapy: A Narrative through Training, Theory, and Practice
Our Price: £23.75 (with free UK delivery)
This book explores an extensive range of questions and challenges within the training, theory, and practice of play therapy, with the aim of providing a stimulating and thought-provoking debate around many of the issues and dilemmas therapists experience.

Memory: Shaping Connections in the Arts Therapies
Our Price: £31.50 (with free UK delivery)
Writers from Canada, Estonia, Germany, Iceland, Lebanon, Lithuania, Spain, the UK and the US combine to create a topical publication, incorporating diverse and current thinking in art therapy, dance movement therapy, dramatherapy and music therapy.

Energy, Soul-Connecting and Awakening Consciousness: Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm
Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)
Drawing on Ruthie Smith’s experience as a psychotherapist, musician, and meditator, this book synthesises neuroscience, epigenetics, biology, quantum physics, trauma, and the links between the body, mind and consciousness to provide an overview of energy methods. Supported by clinical vignettes throughout, Smith provides a full introduction to the field in all its complexity and wonder.

When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse: Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different
Our Price: £12.99 (with free UK delivery)
This down-to-earth, illustrated guide is for parents who need something different. It’s for those who are fighting battles where they didn’t know battles could be fought. It’s for those who suspect that what they are doing isn’t helping – but they don’t know what else to do. It’s for families who need a better way to live and who want their children (and themselves) to thrive. Visit Dr Fisher’s own website for details of her excellent courses and webinars –

LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence: A Guide for Mental Health Practitioners
Our Price: £29.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book explores the unique issues involved in assessing, diagnosing, intervening, and treating intimate partner violence (IPV) in the LGBTQ+ population.

The Compulsive Reassurance Seeking Workbook: CBT Skills to Help You Live with Confidence and Break the Cycle of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)
The Compulsive Reassurance Seeking Workbook offers proven-effective tools to reduce compulsions, make peace with uncertainty, and better manage your OCD.

The Clinician’s Guide to Ethical Non-Monogamous Relationships: Working with Clients with Alternative Lifestyles
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book is a comprehensive guide designed to help mental health professionals understand and meet the unique needs of individuals in ethical non-monogamous relationships.

Couple Therapy: The Basics
Our Price: £14.99 (with free UK delivery)
Couple Therapy: The Basics provides a comprehensive introduction to couple therapy. Taking both a general overview and a psychoanalytic focus, it addresses the basic questions that both couples and those interested in becoming couple therapists can expect to ask.

Lessons in Teletherapy
Our Price: £28.99 (with free UK delivery)
Lessons in Teletherapy is for clinicians exploring virtual therapy with clients, providing composite case studies and a treatment framework.

Just About Coping: A Real-Life Drama from the Psychotherapist’s Chair
Our Price: £14.99 (with free UK delivery)
In this honest, often poignant and frequently funny memoir about training to be a psychotherapist, we meet the patients grappling with mental health issues, from OCD and addiction to self-deception and toxic relationships, and see how Dr Natalie helps them understand and change these attempts to self-soothe.

Single Session Therapy: A Clinical Introduction to Principles and Practices
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
Single Session Therapy: A Clinical Introduction to Principles and Practices explores the best ways to use a Single Session Therapy (SST) mindset to better achieve therapeutic goals.