Working Creatively with Obstacles to Client Change in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide

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Author: Windy Dryden

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 01/10/24

ISBN: 9781032729923

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Productive therapeutic change is facilitated when the therapist and client have a good therapeutic relationship, share views on salient therapeutic matters, agree on goals to enhance client well-being, and understand what they each have to do to achieve the goals of therapy. This book will address the obstacles to client change that both client and therapist bring to Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT).

Addressing these obstacles to client change head on, the book enables both the client and practitioner to move beyond problems in the consulting room and build a more productive relationship, resulting in more effective sessions and assisting in the resolution of underlying problems for which the client has sought help. This updated second edition will move beyond the language of ‘resistance’ in the first edition to instead reposition the term through the lens of barriers to change. A further emphasis will be placed on online therapy and barriers such as clients not attending as many sessions as a therapist might expect or recommend.

This book is essential reading for any practitioner hoping to use REBT more effectively in their day-to-day practice.
