The literature of suicidology has studiously ignored the voice of those who actually experience suicidal feelings. David Webb suggests this is no accidental oversight but a very deliberate and systematic exclusion of this critically important first-person knowledge. The only thing that is banished with even more vigour from suicidology is mention of the spiritual wisdom that set the author free of his persistent urge to die. Webb rejects the dominant medical model that claims suicide is caused by some notional mental illness. Thinking About Suicide calls for the broad community conversation on suicide that is required to bring it out of the closet as a public health issue. . . . lucid, clear, and compelling… Mr Webb rightly refers to, and competently critiques, our existing mental health ‘circus’ as it relates to suicide . clearly original and significant as a scholarly contribution to our knowledge of the topic. David Jobes, Professor of Psychology, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Thinking About Suicide: Contemplating and Comprehending the Urge to Die
Our Price: $16.77 (with free UK delivery)
Author: David Webb
Publisher: PCCS Books
Published: 01/06/2010
ISBN: 9781906254285