Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy

Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy

Retail Price: $99.14

Our Price: $91.21 (with free UK delivery)

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Author: Froma Walsh

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Published: 19-MAY-10

ISBN: 9781606239087

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Exploring the role of spirituality in couple and family relationships, this successful text and practitioner guide illustrates ways to tap spiritual resources for coping, healing, and resilience. Leading experts in family therapy and pastoral care discuss how faith beliefs and practices can foster personal and relational well-being, how religious conflicts or a spiritual void can contribute to distress, and what therapists can gain from reflecting on their own spiritual journeys. Rich with insights for working with multifaith and culturally diverse clients, the second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with the latest ideas, findings, and clinical applications.
New to This Edition
Updated and revised throughout
New topics: death and loss, healing from refugee trauma, meditation practices for couples, use of rituals, and forgiveness
Chapter on resilience now includes Hindu and Muslim perspectives in addition to Jewish, Christian, and Buddhist views


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