Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action

Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action

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Author: Windy Dryden and Michael Neenan

Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd

Published: 20-MAY-04

ISBN: 9781412902137

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Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action, Third Edition is a brand new edition of this highly popular guide to a much used approach. Combining the theoretical with the practical, the book provides an accessible guide for newcomers to this form of counselling.
The book describes the way in which the REB approach helps clients to identify the self-defeating beliefs behind their problems and instead to think, feel and behave differently as a means of achieving valued goals. Fully revised and updated, the book includes an important client case study following therapeutic work with `Paula’, which introduces the reader to the strategies and techniques needed at every stage of the process. Here, the reader is given an insight into the nuts and bolts of the therapeutic session, including conversations between client and therapist to illustrate the counselling sequence, how to help the client achieve goals, and how to end the counselling process.
Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action, Third Edition is invaluable for trainees of REB counselling, as well as those who want to incorporate elements of the approach into their own therapeutic work.


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