The Psychology of Female Violence: Crimes Against the Body

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Publisher: Routledge

Published: 31/01/08

ISBN: 9780415403870

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What are the causes of violence in women?

What can be done to help these women and their victims?

Why does society deny the fact of female violence?

This book explores the nature and causes of female violence from the perspectives of psychodynamic theory and forensic psychology. This fully updated and expanded second edition explores developments in research and
services for violent women. Recent high profile cases of female violence are discussed alongside clinical material and theory. New topics include: the Victoria Climbié Inquiry, the controversy related to the diagnosis of
Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder in women, and the impact of pro-anorexia and pro-bulimia websites. New chapters address central clinical issues of working with women who kill and
designing therapeutic services for women in secure mental health settings.

Other major topics include:

Women who sexually and physically abuse children

  • Infanticide
  • Fabricated and induced illness
  • Self Harm

The Psychology of Female Violence will be valuable to trainees and
practitioners working in the fields of clinical and forensic psychology, women’s studies, sociology, psychiatric nursing, social work, probation, counselling, psychoanalysis, the criminal justice system and criminology.
