Dementia Care is a practical manual for health and social care professionals in their encounters with people with dementia. It covers a wide range of information in a short, easily-accessible handbook format and broadly follows the journey of a person with dementia from first presentation to health or social services, through problems and their management, to the final stages of the illness. The book is rooted in the extensive experience of the authors in managing dementia in the community, in hospital and care homes and hopes to make the necessary expertise available and accessible in a form that will be useful to the whole range of medical, health and social care staff looking after people with dementia and their families.
Dementia Care: A Practical Manual
Our Price: $44.03 (with free UK delivery)
Author: Jonathan Waite, Rowan Harwood, Ian Morton, and David Connelly
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: Oct 2008
ISBN: 9780199228829
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