Creative Supervision: The Use of Expressive Arts Methods in Supervision and Self-Supervision

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Author: Mooli Lahad

Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Published: 01/08/2000

ISBN: 9781853028281

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In this text, Mooli Lahad argues that the most effective method of supervision uses both right and left hemispheres of the brain, the intuitive and logical. He proposes that metaphors, images and stories can be used to enrich theoretical knowledge and improve our understanding of the processes of therapy and support. Lahad introduces techniques which can be employed during a supervision to release information from the creative hemisphere of the brain. These include storytelling, role-playing, guided fantasy, imaginary dialogues, letter-writing, drawing and the use of colours and shapes. Case examples show how the techniques were used, and how they provided insight into problematic relationships with clients. Drawing from his experiences of working in the aftermath of tragedy in Israel, Northern Ireland and the former Yugoslavia, Lahad examines how to supervise a crisis intervention team, also focusing on self-supervision.
