Art Therapy – Creative Therapies in Practice Series

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Author: David Edwards

Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd

Published: 16/12/2013

ISBN: 9781446201800

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This bestselling introduction to art therapy brings theory to life through case material and examples of real artwork produced during therapy sessions. Practising art therapist, Dave Edwards, explains key theoretical ideas – such as symbolism, play, transference and interpretation – and shows how these relate to practice. As well as providing useful information on training, employment and the role of the HPC, the book offers extra practical guidance on: – assessing clients – establishing and maintaining boundaries – ending therapy – conducting and participating in workshops. Now even more practical and accessible, this fully updated Second Edition includes a glossary, chapter summaries and other learning features, as well as a number of visual aids. Case studies from a variety of settings show trainees ‘how to do’ art therapy in real-life scenarios. An extended case study provides an overview of the whole process from beginning to end, tying together issues discussed in earlier chapters. This book offers an excellent foundation on which to build future knowledge and skills, and should be on the shelf of every art therapy trainee and new practitioner.
