Suicide and Self Harm

Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Schools: A Guide to Whole-School Strategies and Practical Support
Our Price: £18.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book provides the vital guidance that school staff need to spot early warning signs, understand triggers and support the students in their care effectively.

Our Encounters with Self-Harm
Our Price: £18.99 (with free UK delivery)
The ‘Our Encounters with – ‘ series collect together unnmediated, unsanitised narratives by service-users, past service-users and carers. These stories of direct experience will be of great benefit to those interested in narrative enquiry, and to those studying and practising in the field of mental health.

Our Encounters with Suicide
Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)
The ‘Our Encounters with – ‘ series collect together unnmediated, unsanitised narratives by service-users, past service-users and carers.

A Short Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People Who Self-Harm
Our Price: £13.99 (with free UK delivery)
Short Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People Who Self-Harm guides the reader through what self-harm is, how to recognise it, and how best to respond.

Responding to Self-harm in Children and Adolescents: A Professional’s Guide to Identification, Intervention and Support
Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)
Responding to Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents will help professionals to understand self-harm and respond appropriately.

Working with Suicidal Individuals: A Guide to Providing Understanding, Assessment and Support
Our Price: £24.50 (with free UK delivery)

Thinking About Suicide: Contemplating and Comprehending the Urge to Die
Our Price: £12.95 (with free UK delivery)
Thinking About Suicide calls for the broad community conversation on suicide that is required to bring it out of the closet as a public health issue. . . . lucid, clear, and compelling… Mr Webb rightly refers to, and competently critiques, our existing mental health ‘circus’ as it relates to suicide . clearly original and significant as a scholarly contribution to our knowledge of the topic.

Counselling Suicidal Clients
Our Price: £36.99 (with free UK delivery)

Self-Harm in Young People A Therapeutic Assessment Manual
Our Price: £38.50 (with free UK delivery)
Therapeutic Assessment for self-harm is a pragmatic model, developed by the authors of this book and forming an organic part of the psychosocial assessment following a self-harming incident.

Managing Self-Harm: Psychological Perspectives
Our Price: £30.99 (with free UK delivery)
Managing Self-Harm explores the meaning and impact of self-harm, and the sense in which it is a language of the body. It is designed to help clinicians, people who self-harm and their families and carers to understand its causes, meaning and treatment.

Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Who Cut and Self-Injure
Our Price: £13.99 (with free UK delivery)
This comprehensive workbook helps teens who self-injure explore the reasons behind their need to hurt themselves and sets forth positive ways to deal with the issues of stress and control.

Beyond Fear and Control: Working with Young People Who Self Harm
Our Price: £16.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book addresses this gap by providing in-depth descriptions of a range of innovative practices which are effective in supporting young people who self harm.

Hidden Self-Harm: Narratives from Psychotherapy
Our Price: £23.99 (with free UK delivery)
This practical and accessible book of case studies takes a new look at self-harm, focusing particularly on the under-explored area of `hidden’ self-harming behaviour.