Integrative Psychotherapy

Beyond Empathy: A Therapy of Contact-in-Relationship
Our Price: £35.59 (with free UK delivery)
An undoubtable classic, the book’s conversational style makes the theory and methods of a relationally based integrative psychotherapy come alive. This versatile approach to therapy promises to be effective across a wide range of therapeutic situations, making this a valuable book for both students and practicing clinicians throughout the spectrum of mental healthcare providers.

Perceptions and Possibilities: Strategic and Solution-Oriented Approaches to Working with Depression
Our Price: £17.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book will assist therapists in easily implementing the concepts of strategic and solution-oriented applications into one’s therapeutic work with depressed clients. The focus of these brief therapy approaches is on the clients’ resources and potential rather than on their deficits and pathology.

The Art and Science of Relationship: The Practice of Integrative Psychotherapy
Our Price: £34.95 (with free UK delivery)
This is an easy-to-read explication of relationally focused integrative psychotherapy/counselling that will be enjoyed by novice and experienced mental health professionals worldwide. Richard Erskine and Janet Moursund illuminate the central role of the therapeutic relationship, and of relationships in general, both in the healing process and in maintaining a psychologically healthy life.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

A Healing Relationship: Commentary on Therapeutic Dialogues
Our Price: £23.19 (with free UK delivery)
A Healing Relationship is about a relationally focused psychotherapy, how the author works, and why. The first couple of chapters provide a brief orientation to relationally focused aspects of an integrative psychotherapy. The heart of the book are the transaction-by-transaction examples of what actually occurred in the psychotherapeutic dialogue.

Integrative Psychotherapy: A Mindfulness- and Compassion-Oriented Approach
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
Integrative psychotherapy is a groundbreaking book where the authors present mindfulness- and compassion-oriented integrative psychotherapy (MCIP) as an integration of relational psychotherapy with the practice and research of mindfulness and compassion.

Integrative Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice: A Relational, Systemic and Ecological Approach
Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)
Bringing together relational, systemic and ecological approaches, this pioneering book outlines a valuable integrative psychotherapeutic method and presents the core steps for implementing it into practice.

Relational Integrative Psychotherapy: Engaging Process and Theory in Practice
Our Price: £33.95 (with free UK delivery)
Designed specifically for the needs of trainees and newly-qualified therapists, this book outlines a form of therapy that prioritises the client and allows for diverse techniques to be integrated within a strong therapeutic relationship.

Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence Concepts and Practice of Integrative Psychotherapy
Our Price: £36.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book presents a comprehensive integrative theory and style of therapeutic involvement that reflects a relational and non-pathological perspective. It discusses various psychotherapy theories and methods, and examines the implications and magnitude of an involved therapeutic-relationship.

Transactional Analysis in Contemporary Psychotherapy
Our Price: £33.95 (with free UK delivery)
This book includes contributions from several authors, each of whom presents his or her unique focus on how TA is used in their psychotherapy practice.

Integrative Psychotherapy in Action
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
What is integrative psychotherapy? How effective is the integrative approach to therapy? And what are its limitations? Answering these and other significant questions, this insightful volume provides the working clinician with a practical guide to using an integrative approach to psychotherapy.

Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns
Our Price: £32.50 (with free UK delivery)
Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns is an exciting collection of contemporary writings on Life Script theory and psychotherapeutic methods.