Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

The Unconscious: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £18.99 (with free UK delivery)
In The Unconscious: A Contemporary Introduction, Joseph Newirth presents a critical and comparative analysis of the unconscious and its evolution from a positivist to a postmodern frame of reference.

Dreaming and Being Dreamt: The Psychoanalytic Function of Dreams
Our Price: £27.59 (with free UK delivery)
In Dreaming and Being Dreamt, John Schneider illustrates the central concept of all emotional functioning: that we are most alive in our dreaming, and that it is dreaming that brings us to life.

Desire, Pain and Thought: Primal Masochism and Psychoanalytic Theory
Our Price: £25.49 (with free UK delivery)
Desire, Pain and Thought presents a new perspective on primal erotogenic masochism, which Marilia Aisenstein regards as the core of psychoanalytic theory.

First Principles: Applied Ethics for Psychoanalytic Practice (Hardcover)
Our Price: £33.50 (with free UK delivery)
Using clinical examples, the book outlines a working model for how therapists can reflect on their practice, as well as devoting a chapter on how to teach ethics within psychoanalytic psychotherapy trainings and outlining a detailed curriculum for teaching ethics. This book is essential reading for psychoanalytic practitioners as well as clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and psychoanalysts who work in the psychoanalytic tradition.

The Psychoanalytic Understanding of Consciousness, Free Will, Language, and Reason: What Makes Us Human?
Our Price: £27.59 (with free UK delivery)
The Psychoanalytic Understanding of Consciousness, Free Will, Language, and Reason examines the ways in which we can use psychoanalysis in order to better understand humanity and explores the question of what makes us human.

A New Vision of Psychoanalytic Theory, Practice and Supervision: TALKING BODIES
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By viewing psychoanalysis through the lens of embodiment, Brothers and Sletvold suggest a shift away from traditional concept-based theory and offer new ways to understand traumatic experiences, to describe the therapeutic exchange and to enhance the supervisory process.

Melanie Klein: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £18.50 (with free UK delivery)
This important book provides a concise introduction to Melanie Klein and the key concepts and theories she founded, outlining their application to psychoanalytic technique, and explaining how her ideas have been further developed.

The Ethics of Lacanian Psychoanalysis: A Conversation about Living in Joy
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)
The Ethics of Lacanian Psychoanalysis observes different aspects of life – childhood, romantic love, sex, death, and human suffering – through a Lacanian lens, with a glance toward a Buddhist point of view.

The Clinical Comprehension of Meaning: The Bion/Meltzer Vertex
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book illustrates three pillars of a psychoanalytic clinic: the structure of the personality, the development of thought, and the ability to foster close relationships with clients. These three pillars show the conditions for the creation of meanings and the difficulties that can be manifested in fanatical functioning, psychosomatic disorders and dreaming, as well as isolation and boredom in adolescents.

Lacanian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £17.50 (with free UK delivery)
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction sees Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot and Uri Hadar provide an original approach to the elaborate and complex world of Jacques Lacan, one of psychoanalysis’s most innovative thinkers.

Lover, Exorcist, Critic: Understanding Depth Psychotherapy
Our Price: £24.50 (with free UK delivery)
Since the introduction of psychoanalysis, radical paradigm shifts have occurred in philosophy, science, mathematics, and the arts. How we exchange information, how we interact on the global stage, and how we conceive of ourselves as citizens have also evolved. And yet, depth psychotherapy remains locked within its nineteenth-century image, poorly understood by those not intimately involved in its processes. Lover, Exorcist, Critic dives deeply into the field’s history, examining the cultural and historical context from which it emerged, and explaining how it evolved into a more vitalising methodology. Alan Michael Karbelnig exposes the inner workings of depth psychotherapy using the innovative perspective of three distinct social role analogies. As Lovers, psychoanalysts create a warm, accepting environment; as Exorcists, they receive, process, and deliver back projections; and, as Critics, they analyse, confront, and educate patients about self- and other-destructive patterns.
This title is due to be published on the 12th September 2023. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.

The Virtual Couch: COVID-19 through a Psychoanalytic Lens
Our Price: £27.59 (with free UK delivery)
This book is one of the first systematic examinations on the looming mental health crisis emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic from a psychoanalytic perspective.

Mutual Impact: At the Crossroads of Psychoanalysis and Literature
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)
Covering topics ranging from the tolerance for loss and the negative in King Lear to the difficulties in mourning and beginning anew in Nathan Hill’s The Nix, this intriguing work is a must-read for all those with an interest in literature, as well as those in the psychoanalytic field who wish to expand their knowledge base and adopt new and different ways of thinking.

Risking Intimacy and Creative Transformation in Psychoanalysis
Our Price: £25.50 (with free UK delivery)
In this compelling book, Lauren Levine explores the transformative power of stories and storytelling in psychoanalysis to heal psychic wounds and create shared symbolic meaning and coherence out of ungrieved loss and trauma.

Psychoanalysis and Homosexuality: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)
This important book examines the ways in which same sex desire, or “homosexuality” has been theorised by psychoanalysis during its history to date and the impact of that on clinical practice.

The Mystery of Emotions: Seeking a Theory of What We Feel
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)
Psychoanalysis is, above all, the science of the emotions but, as yet, there is no single accepted theory of affects. Instead, there are many, all of them too limited, based, as they are, on idiosyncratic introspection. R. D. Hinshelwood presents an extensive scoping of the prominent theories from the philosophy of mind and academic psychology alongside a review of psychoanalytic ideas based on instinct theory or object relations.

Linguistics and Psychoanalysis: A New Perspective on Language Processing and Evolution
Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)
This ground-breaking, provocative book presents an overview of research at the disciplinary intersection of psychoanalysis and linguistics.

Neuropsychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £18.39 (with free UK delivery)
Georg Northoff presents the first introduction to neuropsychoanalysis and the search for a brain-based understanding and explanation of our psyche and its psychodynamic features.

Fratriarchy: The Sibling Trauma and the Law of the Mother
Our Price: £17.50 (with free UK delivery)
In Fratriarchy, Juliet Mitchell expands her ground-breaking theories on the sibling trauma and the Law of the Mother. Writing as a psychoanalytic practitioner, she shows what happens from the ground up when we use feminist questions to probe the psycho-social world and its lateral relations.

Spiritually Sensitive Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book provides an accessible introduction to spiritually sensitive psychoanalysis, an analytic tradition characterized by sensitivity to the spiritual and religious dimensions of human life and oriented towards spiritual growth.

The Kleinian Tradition for Psychotherapists and Counsellors
Our Price: £21.75 (with free UK delivery)
This book explores how Kleinian psychoanalysis has developed over the past 75 years and how it illuminates human experience and relationships inside and outside the consulting room.

Psychoanalysis at the Crossroads: An International Perspective
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
In this clear and thoughtful book, an international group of distinguished authors explore the central issues and future directions facing psychoanalytic theory and practice.

Life Studies in Psychoanalysis: Faces of Love
Our Price: £21.99 (with free UK delivery)
Life Studies in Psychoanalysis consists of four psychoanalytic studies, each representing a patient’s course of treatment over several years.

Finding Winnicott: Philosophical Encounters with the Psychoanalytic
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
In Finding Winnicott: Philosophical Encounters with the Psychoanalytic, Fadi Abou-Rihan expands upon Winnicott’s category of the found object and argues that a genuine understanding of the analyst’s own thought requires that it be considered in relation to that of another.