Music Therapy

Music Therapy in Child Welfare: Bridging Provision, Protection, and Participation
Our Price: £43.50 (with free UK delivery)
Music Therapy in Child Welfare explores the relationship between children’s rights and international child welfare and music therapy theory, research and practice. The purpose of the book is to contribute to an increased awareness among adults who work with children and adolescents in child welfare settings regarding music’s role, music therapy, and children’s rights.

Music Therapy in Neonatal Intensive Care: Influences of Culture
Our Price: £42.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book is about looking beyond what music therapists do in the NICU, to examine how they can think about the place of music for infants and families in the NICU. Shoemark and Ettenberger use ecological systems theory to examine the layers of culture, their interplay and the relative influences they exert on music therapy in the NICU.

Music Therapy with Women with Addictions
Our Price: £50.50 (with free UK delivery)
Music Therapy with Women with Addictions is designed to provide music therapy students and clinicians with an intimate glimpse into the lives of various women with addictions, illuminating the challenges they bring to music therapy, the strengths and resilience they demonstrate, the resources they build and access during the treatment process, and the transformations they undergo. In doing so, the text is intended to counteract the fear, repugnance, and other adverse emotions that often orbit around individuals with addictions, and instead communicate respect.

Music Therapy Supervision (2nd edition)
Our Price: £63.99 (with free UK delivery)
The first book in the field to provide a comprehensive examination of the many levels and facets of music therapy supervision, now in its 2nd edition.

Music and Dementia: From Cognition to Therapy
Our Price: £55.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book outlines the current research and understanding of the use of music for people with dementia, from internationally renowned experts in music therapy, music psychology, and clinical neuropsychology.
This title can take about 4 to 6 weeks to supply

Music Therapy in Children and Young People’s Palliative Care
Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book brings together music therapists who have worked in the challenging and rewarding world of children’s palliative care. Examining techniques from working just with the breath, to technological advances in music therapy such as assistive recording and electronic downloading, it highlights the benefits music therapy can bring when working alongside children and young people.

Guided Imagery and Music: The Bonny Method and Beyond (2nd ed)
Our Price: £65.99 (with free UK delivery)
A comprehensive textbook on theory, practice, and research into the Bonny Method of GIM and its applications with individuals and groups of all ages with various needs. Models of practice of GIM are presented within Jungian, psychodynamic, Gestalt, cognitive and transpersonal orientations, and advancements to GIM are detailed (e.g., new music programs, and methods of analysing music programs).

Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies: Inscribed on the Body
Our Price: £32.50 (with free UK delivery)
Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies: Inscribed on the Body offers worldwide perspectives on gender in arts therapies practice and provides understandings of gender and arts therapies in a variety of global contexts. Bringing together leading researchers and lesser-known voices, it contains an eclectic mix of viewpoints, and includes detailed case studies of arts therapies practice in an array of social settings and with different populations.

Music Therapy and Autism Across the Lifespan: A Spectrum of Approaches
Our Price: £23.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book celebrates the richness of music therapy approaches and brings together the voices of practitioners in the UK. With a strong focus on practice-based evidence it showcases clinicians, researchers and educators working in a variety of settings across the lifespan.

A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy, 2nd Edition: Theory, Clinical Practice, Research and Training
Our Price: £37.99 (with free UK delivery)
Music therapy as an intervention in medical, educational and many other environments has a rich and diverse history of methods, approaches and models. Consolidating the many components of music therapy, this completely updated edition of A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapycovers everything students, teachers and practitioners of music therapy need to know.

Music Therapy Assessment: Theory, Research & Application
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
Looking at the available assessment tools holistically, the book covers the major assessment models currently used in clinical practice, and details each model’s setting and motivation, development, theoretical background, and how to implement it in a clinical setting.

Collaborations within and between Dramatherapy and Music Therapy: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical and Training Contexts
Our Price: £23.99 (with free UK delivery)
In this insightful book, Oldfield and Carr draw together persuasive arguments for combining aspects of music therapy and dramatherapy, whilst retaining their unique facets.

Tales from the Music Therapy Room: Creative Connections
Our Price: £18.99 (with free UK delivery)
Moving beyond progress reports, clinical assessments and practical goals, this book brings to life the reflective aspects of music therapy. The result of a collaboration between New Zealand music therapists, it invites the reader to share their encounters in the therapy room through a wide variety of writings, including short stories, poetry and personal reflections.

Using Music in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Our Price: £27.59 (with free UK delivery)
There is growing evidence for the powerful role that music plays in enhancing children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. This is the first book to provide accessible ways for any mental health professional to integrate music into clinical work with children and adolescents.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology – Oxford Library of Psychology (2nd edition)
Our Price: £40.99 (with free UK delivery)
The 2nd edition of the Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology updates the original landmark text, providing a comprehensive review of the latest developments in this fast growing area of research.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy
Our Price: £40.99 (with free UK delivery)
In the Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy, international leaders in the field from 10 countries have contributed their expertise to showcase contemporary music therapy. They share knowledgable perspectives from multiple models of music therapy that have developed throughout the world, including Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy, The Field of Play, Community Music Therapy, and Resource Oriented Music Therapy.

Improvisation: Methods and Techniques for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators, and Students
Our Price: £28.99 (with free UK delivery)
Tony Wigram’s practical and comprehensive guide and online content will prove indispensable to students, teachers, therapists and musicians as a book of musical techniques and therapeutic methods

Responsiveness in Music Therapy Improvisation: A Perspective Inspired
Our Price: £40.50 (with free UK delivery)
Through the adoption of Mikhail Bakhtin’s terms, this book presents a new creative theory called Musical Responsiveness. The theory proposes that responsiveness in improvisation is an open-ended, continual process, and that it involves not just creating meaningfulness and harmony, but also engaging laughter, struggle, dispute, and misunderstanding.

Advanced Methods of Music Therapy Practice: The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy, Analytical Music Therapy, and Vocal Psychotherapy
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book examines the development of these four advanced methods of music therapy practice in relation to each other, and explores their impact on the development of the music therapy profession.

Working Across Modalities in the Arts Therapies: Creative Collaborations
Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)
Working Across Modalities in the Arts Therapies: Creative Collaborations offers an in-depth insight into cross-modality and transdisciplinary practice in the arts therapies.

Music Therapy: A Fieldwork Primer
Our Price: £43.50 (with free UK delivery)
Writing from over 35 years of experience as a music therapy clinician and educator, the author has provided the field with an invaluable, “hands-on” introduction to field work and practicum experiences.

The Clinician’s Guide to Forensic Music Therapy: Treatment Manuals for Group Cognitive Analytic Music Therapy (G-CAMT) and Music Therapy Anger Management
Our Price: £39.99 (with free UK delivery)
The Clinician’s Guide to Forensic Music Therapy provides information and advice on how to effectively and safely deliver two context-specific, systematic approaches in forensic music therapy.

Music Therapy Handbook
Our Price: £41.99 (with free UK delivery)
Rich with case material, this groundbreaking volume provides a comprehensive overview of music therapy, from basic concepts to emerging clinical approaches.

Music Therapy with Families: Therapeutic Approaches and Theoretical Perspectives
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
This comprehensive book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children or dying family members through to families in psychiatric or paediatric hospital settings.