
Mindfulness-Based Play Therapy: A Transtheoretical and Neurobiological Approach to Psychotherapy with Children and Families
Our Price: $33.03 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness-Based Play Therapy is a transtheoretical and neurobiologically informed guide rooted in the belief that the therapeutic alliance is essential to play therapy’s effectiveness.
This title is due to be published on the 26th March 2025. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.

Understanding and Effectively Utilizing Experiential Therapy: A Mindfulness and Trauma Sensitive Approach to Extending Talk Therapy
Our Price: $36.91 (with free UK delivery)
Understanding and Effectively Utilizing Experiential Therapy gives practical advice and skills to enable new or seasoned clinicians to create their own Experiential Therapy practice. Through didactic presentation of basic concepts, concrete description of techniques, and numerous illustrative clinical examples, the book guides readers to become proficient clinicians in Experiential Therapy.

The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (Second Edition)
Our Price: $21.37 (with free UK delivery)
The revolutionary book that has helped hundreds of thousands of readers find relief from chronic unhappiness is now in a revised and updated second edition.This authoritative, easy-to-use self-help program is grounded in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, a clinically proven approach.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

Mindfulness Giving: Harnessing the Art and Science of Positive Psychology
Our Price: $32.37 (with free UK delivery)
This accessible book offers a unique, evidence-based perspective on the art and science of giving. It combines concepts from psychology, neuroscience and social science theory with stories from interviewees on their experiences as a giver and receiver.

Teaching Clients to Use Mindfulness Skills: A practical guide
Our Price: $27.19 (with free UK delivery)
This book instructs readers on how to teach mindfulness skills that can be incorporated into everyday life, addressing the specific challenges of effectively passing these skills on to clients in a user-friendly way.

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement : An Evidence-Based Treatment for Chronic Pain and Opioid Use
Our Price: $44.03 (with free UK delivery)
MORE integrates mindfulness training with principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychology. In a convenient large-size format, the book provides everything needed to set up and run MORE groups. Treatment developer Eric L.

The Mindful Communication: Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion
Our Price: $28.48 (with free UK delivery)
Skilful communication and warm connection are needed today more than ever before. This book explores the potential of mindfulness skills, and how they can be applied to communication in a range of settings.

Using CBT and Mindfulness to Manage Student Anxiety: A 9-Week Program for Children and Adolescents
Our Price: $34.54 (with free UK delivery)
Using CBT and Mindfulness to Manage Student Anxiety provides a weekly framework utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness to support children who are struggling with anxiety.

Introducing Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Enhancement: Cultural Adaptation and an 8-week Path to Wellbeing and Happiness
Our Price: $32.37 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Enhancement (MBWE) integrates Mindfulness and Wellbeing to realize human flourishing and the attainment of happiness. This 9-session program, conducted over 8 weeks, enhances wellbeing, happiness and quality of life through self-understanding and self-awareness.

Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning: Preparing Mindfulness Specialists in Education and Clinical Care
Our Price: $45.32 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning is the first comprehensive survey text exploring the history, research, theory, and best practices of secular-scientific mindfulness. With a focus on how mindfulness is taught and learned, this book is an invaluable resource for aspiring or expert mindfulness specialists.

Mindfulness in the Birth Sphere: Practice for Pre-conception to the Critical 1000 Days and Beyond
Our Price: $41.44 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness in the Birth Sphere draws together and critically appraises a raft of emerging research around mindfulness in healthcare, looking especially at its relevance to pregnancy and childbirth.

Being With Our Feelings – A Mindful Approach to Wellbeing for Children: A Teaching Toolkit
Our Price: $34.18 (with free UK delivery)
To get the full Being With Our Feelings experience, this book can be purchased alongside the storybooks. All books can be purchased together as a set, Being With Our Feelings: Guidebook and Four Storybooks Set, 9780367772314.

Being With Our Feelings: Guidebook and Four Storybooks Set Spiral-bound
Our Price: $80.29 (with free UK delivery)
Being With Our Feelings teaches children how to be with themselves and each other with acceptance, kindness and compassion. By providing the tools for children to mindfully embody and be with all their feelings, this unique set, consisting of a comprehensive, practical toolkit, accompanied by four beautifully illustrated rhyming storybooks, is designed to develop children’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, in a way that it can grow strong, flourish and endure for a lifetime.

Facing the Storm: Using CBT, Mindfulness and Acceptance to Build Resilience When Your World’s Falling Apart (2nd Edition)
Our Price: $18.78 (with free UK delivery)
Facing the Storm is a self-care book which aims to assist readers in dealing with life-changing events and recovering in the face of adversity.

No One Playing: The essence of mindfulness in golf and in life
Our Price: $9.71 (with free UK delivery)
It’s not just about golf or sport, nor about improvement or progress or how to do something. If anything, it points to a way of living effortlessly that is free and harmonious, that is, to the essence of mindfulness and non-duality. Each of the nineteen chapters contains a lesson which the author palpably resists for the first few holes. But, gradually he comes to realise the profound truth in the teachings of the stranger and begins to understand the radical perspective of no one playing.

Becoming Aware: a 21-day mindfulness program for reducing anxiety and cultivating calm
Our Price: $12.94 (with free UK delivery)
A hands-on user’s guide that takes readers step-by-step on a 21-day journey to discover what it means to be truly present and aware in our daily lives.

Present with Suffering: Being with the Things that Hurt
Our Price: $20.71 (with free UK delivery)
Even after years and years of therapy many of us feel that there is no ‘happy ever after’. Bearing this reality in mind and drawing upon both psychotherapeutic and Buddhist sources, Present with Suffering, explores bereavement and our pervasive experience of emptiness. It shows how through being mindfully present, kind and accepting, we may enfold what hurts us in a more spacious and meaningful way.

Mindfulness and Meditation in Trauma Treatment: The Inner Resources for Stress Program
Our Price: $38.84 (with free UK delivery)
This complete therapist guide presents an evidence-based program developed over two decades to support resilience and recovery in people who have experienced trauma. Inner Resources for Stress (IR) weaves mindfulness, mantra repetition, and other meditative practices into nine structured yet flexible group sessions.

Mindfulness-Based Relational Supervision: Mutual Learning and Transformation
Our Price: $30.44 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness-Based Relational Supervision explores a relational and mindfulness-based approach to adult learning and development that is mutually transformational.

Healing from Clinical Trauma Using Creative Mindfulness Techniques: A Workbook of Tools and Applications
Our Price: $33.35 (with free UK delivery)
This workbook offers diverse strengths-based tools to incorporate the Creative Mindfulness Technique (CMT) into clinical practice. It provides an essential understanding of the ethical scope of practice, ensuring that clinicians consider the depth of their own training in the implementation of the CMT art directives.

Creative Mindfulness Techniques for Clinical Trauma Work: Insights and Applications for Mental Health Practitioners
Our Price: $18.12 (with free UK delivery)
Using evidence-based creative mindfulness techniques (CMT), this book acts as a useful guide for clinical mental health practitioners seeking to build resilience levels in clients recovering from trauma. It examines the effectiveness of the CMT approach, providing applicable art therapy techniques to enhance the therapist’s toolbox for clinical effectiveness.

Mindfulness and Eating Disorders across the Lifespan: Assessment and Intervention through the Emotion Regulation Paradigm
Our Price: $36.25 (with free UK delivery)
Mindfulness and Eating Disorders across the Lifespan represents an attempt to provide a complete appreciation of this complex and multifaceted topic, making it of great importance to psychotherapists and related mental health professionals working with eating disorders.

Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers
Our Price: $25.89 (with free UK delivery)
Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers offers the reader a wealth of knowledge about the explicit and implicit aspects of mindfulness-based teaching.

Empowering Mindfulness for Women
Our Price: $37.29 (with free UK delivery)
Empowering Mindfulness for Women is centred around a a 5-day intensive mindfulness course attended by eight women from different backgrounds. The reader is invited to imagine they are actively participating in the teaching and learning moments and turning points encountered in teaching and learning mindfulness around themes such as making space for mindfulness, safeguarding mindfulness for women, engendering mindfulness, mindfulness dreaming and a mandala of wisdoms.