Jung and Analytical Psychology

Jungian and Interdisciplinary Interfaces Between Emotions: Individual and Collective Trauma
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
C.G. Jung stressed that emotions are the driving forces behind social and psychological lives, enabling individuals to connect with themselves and their environment. Divided into five parts, this innovative volume explores the enmeshments between emotions.
This title is due to be published on the 9th April 2025. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.

Jungian and Interdisciplinary Analyses of Emotions: Method and Imagery
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
This comprehensive collection of chapters concentrates on the multifaceted theme of emotions, and deepens our understanding of the role emotions play within the psyche.
This title is due to be published on the 9th April 2025. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.

Jung’s Word Association Experiment: Manual for Training and Practice
Our Price: £29.50 (with free UK delivery)
This manual is the long-awaited definitive and essential guide to training, research and practice of Jung’s Word Association Experiment, both in clinical practice and beyond the consulting room.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

A Jungian Exploration of the Puella Archetype: Girl Unfolding
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
This fascinating new book explores the puella as an archetypal, symbolic and personality figure reaching into the classical foundations of Jungian analytical psychology, focusing on the modern conflicts reverberating personally and culturally to remove the obstacles for accessing our more complete selves.

A Jungian and Psychoanalytic Approach to Biblical Myth and Religion
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book describes some of the major psychological processes that underpin various biblical stories and some of the theological speculation to which they have given rise. Psychological biblical criticism, as described here, is suggested as an alternative or supplement to historical-cultural, textual, philological, literary, and other types of biblical criticism.

Carl Jung and the Evolutionary Sciences: A New Vision for Analytical Psychology
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
Seeking to build bridges between analytical psychology and contemporary evolutionary studies and associated fields, this book will appeal to scholars of analytical and depth psychology, as well as researchers in the evolutionary and brain sciences.

The Complexity of Trauma: Jungian and Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Treatment of Trauma
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
This important volume offers a broad and in-depth overview of how to understand and treat trauma from a Jungian perspective, written by internationally recognized experts in the field of Jungian and traditional psychoanalysis.

Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy: Classical Theory for the Digital Age
Our Price: £33.14 (with free UK delivery)
Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy is both an introduction to Jung’s theory and a practical guide to Jungian-informed practice.

A Jungian Analysis of Toxic Modern Society: Fighting the Culture of Loneliness
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
Using evidence from anthropology, neuroscience, psychiatry, analytical psychology, and evolutionary biology, within this book Dr. Erik Goodwyn explores the current cultural psyche, and how elements of modern society are contributing to the current loneliness epidemic.

The Alchemy of Addiction: Carl Jung, the Enneagram, and Contemplative Wisdom Traditions
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
Within this important book, Stephen J. Costello draws on Eastern philosophy, Western psychology, and wisdom traditions to offer an interpretation and answer to the multidimensional problem of addiction.

C.G. Jung’s Collected Works: The Basics
Our Price: £14.99 (with free UK delivery)
This new introduction to Jung’s Collected Works – written in lively and accessible style – provides a comprehensive guide to key concepts in analytical (Jungian) psychology while charting the creative evolution of Jung’s thought through his own words.

Transitions in Jungian Analysis: Essays on Illness, Death and Violence
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
A personal and engaging read, this new collection by an experienced analyst will be of interest to Jungian analysts, clinicians in both analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, and those undertaking psychoanalytic training.

Active Imagination in Theory, Practice and Training: The Special Legacy of C. G. Jung
Our Price: £27.59 (with free UK delivery)
Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as stand alone books, this essential collection will be of great interest to Jungian analysts, psychologists, psychoanalysts, or anyone interested in discovering more about the fascinating psychotherapeutic practice of Active Imagination and its interdisciplinary uses.

Imposter Syndrome and The ‘As-If’ Personality in Analytical Psychology
Our Price: £25.49 (with free UK delivery)
This insightful book explores the ‘as-if’ personality through the lens of Jungian analytical psychology, illuminating how the same forces that can disturb personal development relationally, socially and culturally are equally an impetus toward expressing and relating with one’s more complete self.

The Deep Psychology of BDSM and Kink: Jungian and Archetypal Perspectives on the Soul’s Transgressive Necessities
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
This fascinating volume investigates how the concept of soul is connected to BDSM and kink, exploring the world of alternative sexualities through the psychology of C. G. Jung and James Hillman as readers are guided on a provocative and lively journey through darker aspects of the sexual imagination.

The Call of Destiny: An Introduction To Carl Jung’s Major Works
Our Price: £16.50 (with free UK delivery)
The intent of this book is to present an overview of how and to what end Jung’s work developed into a coherent worldview over the course of his life. I would particularly like to give the reader a feel for Jung’s writing at the end of his life as one cogent piece. We examine each of the major books Jung wrote during his final creative phase, and will clarify the thematic threads between them as they form a complete and singular tapestry with a solid continuity for psychology and beyond. We can watch each volume add a certain aspect to the overall grasp of what Jung felt we needed to know to complete the consciousness journey―for ourselves and, ultimately, for our time.

Jungian Dimensions of the Mourning Process, Burial Rituals and Access to the Land of the Dead: Intimations of Immortality
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)
This innovative volume on the mourning process, burial rites and intimations of immortality offers diverse Jungian, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, depth-psychological perspectives, written predominantly by graduates and candidates of the CG Jung Institute Zürich.

Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)
Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction provides a concise overview of analytical psychology as developed by Carl Jung.

The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief: A Modern Perspective on Hysteria
Our Price: £13.25 (with free UK delivery)
The author traces Apollo’s evolution from wild consort of the Great Mother to cool and rational representative of the patriarchy. After describing the treatment through history of women overburdened by unbelievable visions, she relates the stories of modern women to the lives of the goddesses who lived in the times of Apollo.

Psyche as Sacrament: A Comparative Study of C.G. Jung and Paul Tillich
Our Price: £13.25 (with free UK delivery)
In the Western world, psychology and religion are not easy companions. This extraordinary comparative study illustrates with great clarity that the antagonism is unnecessary.
This title is out of stock with no date.

Reflections on the Life and Dreams of C.G. Jung: By Aniela Jaffé from Conversations with Jung (Hardcover)
Our Price: £38.00 (with free UK delivery)
Through the recording, editing and publication of Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung, Aniela Jaffé has introduced a large international readership to his work over the past 60 years.

Race and the Unconscious: An Africanist Depth Psychology Perspective on Dreaming
Our Price: £25.50 (with free UK delivery)
Race and the Unconscious engages the archetypal African consciousness that enriches our knowledge regarding the foundational mythopoetic of Africanist dreaming.

The Adolescent Psyche: Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives
Our Price: £25.50 (with free UK delivery)
In the classic edition of this outstanding book, originally published in 1998, Richard Frankel explores adolescence as a crucial, unique, and turbulent period of human development. He provides guidance for clinicians working with young people as they undergo significant transformations in the way they think, act, feel and perceive the world.

Jungian Reflections on Systemic Racism: Members of an American Psychoanalytic Community on Training, Practice and Inclusivity
Our Price: £25.50 (with free UK delivery)
This important collection explores the attitude of white supremacy in analytic psychology starting with its founder, Carl Gustav Jung, utilizing Jungian analytic theory to explore ways in which the erroneous promotion of race ideology in psychoanalysis may be unmasked and corrected to further psychoanalytic theory and practice.