Gestalt Therapy

    The Heart of Development Gestalt Approaches to Working With Children, Adolescents and Their Worlds. Vol 2 Adolescence

    Retail Price: £34.99

    Our Price: £31.25 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £3.74 (11%)

    From the theoretical to the hands-on, and from the clinical office or playroom to family settings, schools, institutions, and the community, these chapters take us on a rewarding tour of the vibrant, productive range of Gestalt work today, always focusing on the first two decades of life.

    This title is reprinting, but with no date for it’s availability. We can order it and supply the book when it becomes available.

    The Heart of Development Gestalt Approaches to Working With Children, Adolescents and Their Worlds. Vol 1 Childhood

    Retail Price: £34.99

    Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.00 (6%)

    From the theoretical to the hands-on, and from the clinical office or playroom to family settings, schools, institutions, and the community, these chapters take us on a rewarding tour of the vibrant, productive range of Gestalt work today.

    Adolescence: Psychotherapy and the Emergent Self

    Retail Price: £44.99

    Our Price: £42.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.00 (4%)

    Many therapists can attest to the fact that adolescents can be difficult and frustating clients-problems are seldom well defined, clearly delineated symptoms are more exception than the rule, and troubling situations often involve the entire family.

    NB* This is a print-on-demand title that takes about 7-12 weeks to supply

    Retail Price: £38.99

    Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (10%)

    Shame and shame reactions are two of the most delicate and difficult issues of psychotherapy and are among the most likely to defy our usual dynamic, systemic, and behavioral theories. In this groundbreaking collection, The Voice of Shame, thirteen distinguished authors show how use of the Gestalt model of self and relationship can clarify the dynamics of shame and lead us to fresh approaches and methods in this challenging terrain.

    Developing Gestalt Counselling

    Retail Price: £40.99

    Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £6.00 (15%)

    Describing contemporary integrative Gestalt counselling and psychotherapy, this book addresses 30 key issues which will help both trainee and practising counsellors examine and improve crucial areas of their work.