General Counselling & Psychotherapy

Spirituality in Psychotherapy: How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients?
Our Price: £37.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book explores how Western European psychotherapists, interviewed between 2016 and 2019, understand spirituality and how they address spiritual matters in clinical sessions.

How to Survive as a Psychotherapist
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)
A classic work from Nina Coltart revitalised with a brand-new foreword by David E. Scharff with down-to-earth advice on how to run a practice, the pleasures and pains of psychotherapy, vivid clinical stories of success and failure, and discussion on the work/life balance.

Practicing Psychotherapy: Lessons on Helping Patients and Growing as a Professional
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
In this book of lessons learned from working as a psychotherapist for over 40 years, Dr. Chamberlain shares her varied expertise and experiences, bestowing the wisdom she has gleaned throughout her career from patients, students, teachers, and colleagues.

What is Normal? Psychotherapists Explore the Question
Our Price: £17.79 (with free UK delivery)
Can ‘‘being normal’’ ever be observed and tested? Who defines the norm of mental health? Is it constrained by a social concept of normal? And how do we ever reach an understanding of ‘‘not normal’’. An outstanding collection of therapists consider how their profession is engaging with these questions.

The Divided Therapist: Hemispheric Difference and Contemporary Psychotherapy
Our Price: £23.99 (with free UK delivery)
This important new book explores the nature of the divided brain and its relevance for contemporary psychotherapy.

The Tavistock Century: 2020 Vision
Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)
An incredible review of one hundred years of the Tavistock from its earliest years to today, containing fascinating insights from past and present staff.

Addressing Race-Based Stress in Therapy with Black Clients: Using Multicultural and Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book will give tools and strategies for mental health professionals to responsibly use scientific and professional knowledge to improve the condition of individuals, communities, and, by extension, society.

Other Tongues: Psychological therapies in a multilingual world
Our Price: £13.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book is a powerful plea to the counselling profession to acknowledge the riches clients’ other languages can bring to the therapeutic relationship. To ignore multilingualism risks not only overlooking important meanings in the nuances of emotional expression but also perpetuating inequalities in access to therapy.

Therapy With a Map: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Helping Relationships
Our Price: £28.60 (with free UK delivery)
Therapy with a Map sets out a therapeutic process of talking accompanied by visual conversation maps set down in real time on paper.

Working With Sexual Attraction in Psychotherapy Practice and Supervision: A Humanistic-Relational Approach
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
Working with Sexual Attraction in Psychotherapy Practice and Supervision addresses some of the challenges associated with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervision, as well as within services, and helps therapists, supervisors and managers to navigate them with openness and self-reflection.

What Therapists Say and Why They Say It: Effective Therapeutic Responses and Techniques (3rd Edition)
Our Price: £36.79 (with free UK delivery)
What Therapists Say and Why They Say It, Third Edition, is one of the most practical and flexible textbooks available to counseling students. The new edition includes more than one hundred techniques and more than a thousand specific therapeutic responses that elucidate not just why but also how to practice good therapy.

Pathologies of the Self: Exploring Narcissistic and Borderline States of Mind
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)
Pathologies of the Self explores both narcissistic disturbance and borderline states. For several decades of clinical practice, Phil Mollon has explored and pondered the nature and structure of identity as a core aspect of what drives human action.

Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
Our Price: £15.50 (with free UK delivery)
Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century charts the history of this transformation and shows how four distinct versions of embodied practice have interacted to generate the current field. It makes the case for the value of body psychotherapy not only within the therapeutic world, but in the social sphere, where bodily difference – of gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality – is one of the major markers of oppression.

Creative Methods in Schema Therapy: Advances and Innovation in Clinical Practice
Our Price: £29.50 (with free UK delivery)
Creative Methods in Schema Therapy captures current trends and developments in Schema Therapy in rich clinical detail, with a vividness that inspires and equips the reader to integrate these new ways of working directly into their practice.

#MeToo: Counsellors and Psychotherapists Speak About Sexual Violence and Abuse
Our Price: £19.50 (with free UK delivery)
This is a book for anyone wanting to understand the ubiquity of sexual violence and sexual abuse and how to respond, support, raise awareness, campaign and be part of creating a culture which says #TimesUp.

Recovering Boarding School Trauma Narratives
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
Personal and accessible, this book will be essential reading for psychologists and educational historians, as well as students and academics of psychology, sociology, trauma studies, ex-boarders and those interested in the life of Christopher Robin Milne.

Counselling Skills in Action (4TH Edition)
Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)
Now in its 4th edition, this bestselling book introduces you to the core counselling and psychotherapy skills you will need for effective therapeutic practice. With an online resource site featuring over 30 videos, you will be taken step-by-step through the skills and strategies needed at each stage of the therapy process.

Therapist Performance Under Pressure: Negotiating Emotion, Difference, and Rupture
Our Price: £38.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book draws on performance research from neuroscience and cognitive psychology to help therapists negotiate the difficult emotional challenges they face in psychotherapy.

Sitting in the Stillness: Freedom from the Personal Story
Our Price: £8.99 (with free UK delivery)
Sitting in the Stillness is a collection of stories from the therapy room. Each one invites the reader to go beyond these personal accounts to the universal, beyond the agitations of the mind to an infinite stillness of being.

The Touch Taboo in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life
Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book examines the effects on us of touch, and of touch deprivation – what we feel when we are touched, what it means to us, and the fact that some individuals and cultures are more tactile than others.

Working with Difference and Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Our Price: £21.95 (with free UK delivery)
This book guides you through the complexities of working with difference and diversity in counselling and psychotherapy.

The Pocket Guide to Neuroscience for Clinicians
Our Price: £20.99 (with free UK delivery)
Cozolino is one of the most gifted clinical writers on neuroscience and his long- awaited pocket guide is a must-buy for any clinician working on the cutting edge of treatment.

The Temporal Dimension in Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Journey in Time
Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)
Exploring time-related issues as people navigate different stages in the life-cycle, as well as for people affected by illness, trauma and bereavement, this insightful and thought-provoking book will provide insights for counsellors and therapists about what time means both to themselves and their clients.

Treating Psychosomatic Patients: In Search of a Transdisciplinary Framework for the Integration of Bodywork in Psychotherapy
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
Treating Psychosomatic Patients: In Search of a Transdisciplinary Framework for the Integration of Bodywork in Psychotherapy offers a conceptual and therapeutic framework for all therapists who have to deal with the psychosomatic ‘conflicted’ body, as presented in anxiety and depression, stress and burn-out, medically unexplained symptoms and trauma.