Forensic Psychology

    Mad or Bad?

    Retail Price: £33.99

    Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (21%)

    A cutting-edge text that provides a comprehensive introduction to mental health problems and criminal behaviour, this book explores the link between mental health and criminality and considers the most common and effective therapeutic approaches for working with offenders and victims of crime.

    Individual Psychological Therapies in Forensic Settings: Research and Practice

    Retail Price: £36.99

    Our Price: £33.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    In this important new book, the aims and effectiveness of individual therapies within forensic settings, both old and new, are assessed and discussed. Including contributions from authors based in the UK, North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, a broad range of therapies are covered, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mentalisation Based Therapy, Schema Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focussed Therapy.

    Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Essentials for Law Enforcement

    Retail Price: £66.99

    Our Price: £61.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.00 (7%)

    The book fulfills an important need in the ever-evolving field of criminal justice, providing a working knowledge of forensic psychology and its application to interview strategies, homicide, emotional disturbance, sexual and domestic violence, hostage negotiations, and other situations.

    Bearing Witness to Change: Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Practice

    Retail Price: £62.99

    Our Price: £57.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.00 (8%)

    This book explores the response of forensic psychiatry and psychology to changes over the last several decades. It presents the disciplines themselves as change agents that have shaped forensic work, public policy, and law.

    Supervision for Forensic Practitioners

    Retail Price: £44.99

    Our Price: £37.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (16%)

    This text is aimed at all those working in forensic settings who have direct contact with the perpetrators and victims of crime and is written for both those new to supervision and those with many years’ experience.

    Forensic Psychology Reconsidered: A Critique of Mental Illness and the Courts

    Retail Price: £49.99

    Our Price: £45.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (8%)

    This accessible text focuses on the criminal law implications of forensic psychology as it relates to topics such as competency to stand trial, state of mind at the time of the crime, suicide by cop, and involuntary psychiatric medication administered in custody.

    Forensic Psychological Assessment in Practice: Case Studies

    Retail Price: £52.99

    Our Price: £47.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Forensic Psychological Assessment in Practice: Case Studies presents a set of forensic criminal cases as examples of a scientist-practitioner model for forensic psychological assessment.

    Forensic Music Therapy: A Treatment for Men and Women in Secure Hospital Settings

    Retail Price: £29.99

    Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.00 (7%)

    This book will give music therapists, forensic and clinical psychotherapists and psychologists, cognitive analytic therapists, psychiatrists, and others working in the field a wider understanding of choices, as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of tailored music therapy programmes for this complex client group.

    This title is reprinting with no date for availability. If you want to be kept informed regarding this book’s availability status, then please contact us. 

    Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice

    Retail Price: £49.99

    Our Price: £39.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £10.00 (20%)

    This authoritative and interdisciplinary resource will support all forensic mental health practitioners in this crucial aspect of their work. This series takes the field of Forensic Psychotherapy as its focal point, offering a forum for the presentation of theoretical and clinical issues. It embraces such influential neighbouring disciplines as language, law, literature, criminology, ethics and philosophy, as well as psychiatry and psychology, its established progenitors.

    The Therapeutic Milieu Under Fire: Security and Insecurity in Forensic Mental Health

    Retail Price: £43.99

    Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £9.00 (20%)

    This book offers fresh, original and stimulating approaches to engagement with individuals who have been multiply excluded from society and who present challenges to traditional psychiatric models of assessment and treatment. It brings to life the thinking of those working on the frontline in an increasingly difficult environment, and draws together the central themes in working with highly complex and disturbed individuals while retaining psychodynamic understanding of their histories and current circumstances.

    Secure Recovery: Approaches to Recovery in Forensic Mental Health Settings

    Retail Price: £47.99

    Our Price: £40.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (15%)

    This is the first text to tackle the challenge of recovery-oriented mental health care in forensic services and prison-based therapeutic communities in the UK.

    Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Psychologists

    Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Psychologists

    Retail Price: £87.95

    Our Price: £73.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £13.96 (16%)

    An essential and practical guide to integrating psychopharmacology into clinical practice.

    Policing and Psychology

    Policing and Psychology

    Retail Price: £31.99

    Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (22%)

    Psychology is a key element of police training and practice. This book draws on a range of psychological theories, concepts and research to explore the relevance of psychology to modern day policing. It focuses on psychological theories of crime and criminal behaviour, investigative psychology, effective interpersonal skills, stereotyping and prejudice, the potential impact on police work and the psychological effect of crime on victims.

    Understanding and Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

    Understanding and Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

    Retail Price: £46.99

    Our Price: £42.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (9%)

    Over the last decade there has been dramatically increased interest in the ways that technology has been used in the abuse and exploitation of children, due in part to increasing numbers of convictions for child pornography-related offenses.

    Research in Practice for Forensic Professional

    Research in Practice for Forensic Professional

    Retail Price: £43.99

    Our Price: £39.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (9%)

    This book explores applied research methods used in forensic settings

    Crime in a Psychological Context: From Career Criminals to Criminal Careers

    Crime in a Psychological Context: From Career Criminals to Criminal Careers

    Retail Price: £84.00

    Our Price: £69.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £14.01 (17%)

    This book examines the psychological constructs of crime and the criminal lifestyle and includes topics such as psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, and criminal lifestyle. Written in an engaging style, the author introduces compelling explanations of crime, in part by showing how the criminal lifestyle is capable of integrating two seemingly incompatible crime paradigms: the career criminal paradigm and the criminal career paradigm.

    Forensic Case Formulation

    Forensic Case Formulation

    Retail Price: £38.95

    Our Price: £33.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.96 (13%)

    Effective assessment and treatment of offenders is important for reducing the likelihood of further offending. Understanding the processes which initiate and maintain offending behaviour is integral to the design and evaluation of appropriate, individually

    Forensic Issues in Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities

    Retail Price: £43.99

    Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £9.00 (20%)

    Adolescents with developmental disabilities are a complex population who require specialised treatment and care. This interdisciplinary text examines the processes involved in working with this client group in forensic settings, and explores the ways in which their needs differ from those of other young people who engage in high risk behaviour or offending.

    Conflict and Crisis Communication: Principles and Practice

    Retail Price: £47.99

    Our Price: £42.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Conflict and crisis communication is the management of a critical incident which has the potential for resolution through successful negotiations. This can include negotiating with individuals in crisis, such as those threatening self-harm or taking individuals hostage as part of emotional expression, and also critical incidents such as kidnapping and terrorist activities.

    Professionalizing Offender Profiling: Forensic and Investigative Psychology in Practice

    Professionalizing Offender Profiling: Forensic and Investigative Psychology in Practice

    Retail Price: £43.99

    Our Price: £36.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £7.00 (16%)

    Offender profiling is now viewed as an integral part of serious crime investigations by many law enforcement agencies across the world and continues to attract a high public and media profile. Despite almost three decades of research and developments in the field, the public impression of offender profiling is still influenced by misleading media portrayals, which fail to acknowledge the significant developments in theory, research and practice.

    Forensic Neuropsychology in Practice: A guide to assessment and legal processes

    Forensic Neuropsychology in Practice: A guide to assessment and legal processes

    Retail Price: £78.00

    Our Price: £65.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £12.01 (15%)

    This is a practical reference source for clinical and forensic psychologists who need to understand how neuropsychological problems can impinge on issues such as criminal responsibility, antisocial behaviour, and guilt.

    Personality Personality Disorder

    Personality Personality Disorder

    Retail Price: £46.95

    Our Price: £40.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £5.96 (13%)

    Presents the evidence-base for links between personality traits, psychological functioning, personality disorder and violence – with a focus on assessment and treatment approaches that will help clinicians to assess risk in this client group.

    Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

    Retail Price: £36.99

    Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.00 (11%)

    This collection of essays by a range of distinguished international contributors explores the complex legal, ethical, moral, and clinical questions which face psychotherapists and other professionals working with people suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Contributors to this book are drawn from a wide range of professions including psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, counselling, psychology, medicine, law, police, and social work.

    Forensic Mental Health (Criminal Justice Series)

    Forensic Mental Health

    Retail Price: £37.99

    Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £6.00 (16%)

    This book provides a concise introduction to the increasingly important field of forensic mental health. It aims to set out both the key concepts in forensic mental health as well as the way the discipline operates in the broader context of criminal justice and mental health care systems.