
With Nature in Mind: The Ecotherapy Manual for Mental Health Professionals
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book explains how a deeper connection to nature can improve quality of life, by combining the therapeutic power of mindfulness and being out in the natural world.

The Healing Forest in Post-Crisis Work with Children: A Nature Therapy and Expressive Arts Program for Groups
Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)
The original, evidence-based approach described in this book will be of interest to all those working therapeutically or creatively with children who have experienced stress or trauma, including arts therapists, teachers, psychologists and counsellors.

Vital Signs: Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
Vital signs are, of course, the basic physiological measures of functioning which health practitioners use to assess the gravity of a patient’s predicament. This title focuses on our psychological predicament, as news of the situation slowly penetrates our defences and we struggle as individuals and as a society to find an adequate response.

Not a Tame Lion: Writings on Therapy and Its Social and Political Contexts
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)
This volume brings together 24 of Nick Totton’s articles and book chapters from the last thirteen years, all exploring in different ways the relationship between therapy, the world and society. It will make you think!

Acorns Among the Grass.: Adventures in Eco-therapy
Our Price: £11.99 (with free UK delivery)
This important book presents an approach to working with the environment which embraces the therapeutic and the spiritual, offering a model of working which is sympathetic and creative.