
    Drama as Therapy: v. 2: Clinical Work and Research into Practice

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    This book examines the many ways clients and therapists explore the therapeutic possibilities of drama. Whilst the first volume combined theory, practice and research in the field, this second volume concentrates on clinical material from a range of contexts, with thorough description and analysis of therapeutic work.

    Dramatherapy and Social Theatre: Necessary Dialogues

    Retail Price: £36.99

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    In this book Sue Jennings brings together international dramatherapists and theatre practitioners to challenge, clarify, describe and debate some of the theoretical and practical issues in dramatherapy and social theatre.

    Expressive and Creative Arts Methods for Trauma Survivors

    Retail Price: £35.00

    Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    With the increasing probability of floods, wars, and human displacement, there will be a great need for health care professionals to help. The arts provide a new, human, and cost-effective way to bring relief and to ease some of the human suffering associated with trauma.

    Supervision of Dramatherapy

    Retail Price: £35.99

    Our Price: £30.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Supervision of Dramatherapy offers a thorough overview of dramatherapy supervision and the issues that can arise during the supervisory task. Phil Jones and Ditty Dokter bring together experts from the field to examine supervision in a range of contexts with different client groups, including dramatherapy with children, forensic work, and intercultural practice.

    Drama as Therapy: Theory, Practice and Research

    Retail Price: £42.99

    Our Price: £36.50 (with free UK delivery)

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    This new edition of Drama as Therapy presents a coherent review of the practice and theory of Dramatherapy. With a unique combination of practical guidance, clinical examples and research vignettes this fully revised second edition considers developments in the field over the last decade and researches the impact of the ‘core processes’ on clinical practice.

    Reminiscence Theatre: Making Theatre from Memories

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    Reminiscence theatre is about seeing and realising the dramatic potential in real life stories. It takes verbatim memories as the basis for theatre scripts, using the experiences of older people as a source of artistic productions and therapeutic creativity.

    Drama Therapy and Storymaking in Special Education

    Retail Price: £20.99

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    This practical resource book for professionals covers the broad spectrum of students attending special needs schools, including those with attention deficit disorder, autism and Asperger syndrome, and students with multiple disabilities.

    Dramatherapy: Raising Children’s Self-esteem and Developing Emotional Stability

    Retail Price: £36.99

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    Providing a new and proven way forward for practitioners who want to help children, but who do not have recourse to a qualified therapist, this book covers: tried and tested practical activities to use with children simple explanations of how and why dramatherapy works informative case studies that show activities being used in practice a useful list of further reading, centres for training and qualifications.

    Introduction to Dramatherapy: Person and Threshold

    Retail Price: £35.99

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    Introduction to Dramatherapy provides a theoretical framework for the practice of dramatherapy, and examines the relationship between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’; the understanding of which, the author argues, is key to harnessing the full potential of dramatherapy as a healing medium.

    Theatre in Prison: Theory and Practice

    Retail Price: £46.95

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    From role-plays with street gangs in the USA to Beckett in Brixton; from opera productions with sex offenders to psychodrama with psychopaths, the book will discuss, analyse and reflect on theoretical notions and practical applications of theatre for and with the incarcerated.

    Creative Supervision: The Use of Expressive Arts Methods in Supervision and Self-Supervision

    Retail Price: £25.00

    Our Price: £19.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    In this text, Mooli Lahad argues that the most effective method of supervision uses both right and left hemispheres of the brain, the intuitive and logical.

    Arts Therapists, Refugees and Migrants: Reaching Across Borders

    Retail Price: £32.99

    Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Ditty Dokter is joined by contributors from a number of multicultural backgrounds, in a volume examining the issues surrounding intercultural arts therapies as a means of working with clients who are refugees and migrants.

    The Healing Drama: Psychodrama and Dramatherapy with Abused Children

    Retail Price: £24.99

    Our Price: £24.50 (with free UK delivery)

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    This text sets out the main theoretical and practical approaches of dramatherapy. Beginning with the notion of play and its importance for children, the author discusses how children use play as a method of investigation and rehearsing for reality.

    Discovering the Self Through Drama and Movement: Sesame Approach

    Retail Price: £35.00

    Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    This is the first detailed account of the theory and practice of the Sesame method, which was created by Marian Lindkvist 30 years ago, as it has evolved and been handed down experientially.

    Dramatherapy for People with Learning Disabilities: A World of Difference

    Retail Price: £32.99

    Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    This book explores the value of action-based therapy methods with people with learning difficulties, both in terms of theory – why is dramatherapy of such use to these clients? – and practice – what particular structures and methods are of use?

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dramatherapy: Treatment and Risk Reduction

    Retail Price: £27.99

    Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dramatherapy is a valuable practical guide for all those working in the field of trauma, from the result of war to the aftermath of sexual abuse.
