Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Creativity and Mental Health: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Integrating Play and Imagination in Psychotherapy, Supervision and Training
Our Price: £26.95 (with free UK delivery)
A practical and wide-ranging guide to approaching therapeutic work with creativity, openness and imagination, and to integrating a variety of playful and relational techniques when utilising Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) with clients. Part of the Innovations in CAT series.

Conversations in Later Life: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Aging Well
Our Price: £26.95 (with free UK delivery)
An accessible exploration of the potential of psychology in general, and relational approaches in particular, to help us understand issues of later life and optimise adult development and aging.

A Beginner’s Guide to Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Practitioner and Service User Perspectives
Our Price: £24.29 (with free UK delivery)
A straightforward, beginner’s introduction to practicing CAT, this book will be useful for trainee practitioners, assistant and trainee clinical/counselling psychologists, and those practising CAT-informed therapy in supervision.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

Innovative Practice in Forensic Settings: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Effective Relational Work
Our Price: £26.95 (with free UK delivery)
A state-of-the-art look at why rehabilitating offenders in a way that reduces future risk to others means first understanding the fundamentally relational nature of both trauma and offending.

Working Relationally with Young People: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Connecting One to One, with Families and Across Communities
Our Price: £26.95 (with free UK delivery)
Working Relationally with Young People brings together a diverse range of contributors to explore the theory, practice and potential of working relationally with troubled young people to effect meaningful change in mental health contexts and beyond.

Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy
Our Price: £128.95 (with free UK delivery)
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy presents a comprehensive guide to the cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) model. It balances established theory and practice alongside a focus on innovation in both direct work with clients and the application of CAT more broadly within teams, organizations, and training, and as a model for leadership.

Talking with a Map: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Everyday Conversational Awareness
Our Price: £26.95 (with free UK delivery)
Talking with a Map takes cutting-edge techniques for structuring and navigating conversations out of the therapy room and into everyday life, describing a versatile method that anyone can use to develop better skills, interactions and relationships.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (Vol 5, 2023)
Our Price: £15.00 (with free UK delivery)
This is the new fifth edition of the journal of International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association. Please note that we are currently offering the older volumes of the journal at greatly reduced prices when brought alongside this latest edition – HERE
To order just this volume click on the cover.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (All Five Volumes)
Our Price: £49.95 (with free UK delivery)
The latest (fifth) volume of this important journal, together with each of the previous four volumes at just £8.75 each.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (Vol 4, 2021)
Our Price: £15.00 (with free UK delivery)
This is the new fourth edition of the journal of International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association. Please note that we are currently offering the older volumes of the journal at greatly reduced prices when brought alongside the latest edition – HERE
To order just this volume click on the cover.

Reflective Practice in Forensic Settings: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Developing Shared Thinking
Our Price: £28.60 (with free UK delivery)
Reflective Practice in Forensic Settings brings together a range of clinicians to share their experience and approaches, exploring ways in which the CAT model can be applied to develop reflective practice in secure contexts. Together, they also offer valuable guidance for any practitioner seeking ways in which to develop a more relationally informed and reflective therapeutic service.

Therapy With a Map: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Helping Relationships
Our Price: £28.60 (with free UK delivery)
Therapy with a Map sets out a therapeutic process of talking accompanied by visual conversation maps set down in real time on paper.

Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Principles and Practice of a Relational Approach to Mental Health (Second Edition)
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)
This new edition of the definitive text to CAT offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to its origins, development, and practice. It also provides a fully updated overview of developments in the theory, research, and applications of CAT, including clarification and re-statement of basic concepts, such as reciprocal roles and reciprocal role procedures, as well as extensions into new areas of expertise.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (Vol 3, 2019)
Our Price: £15.00 (with free UK delivery)
This is the 3rd edition of the journal of International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association which is a federation of national associations in eight different countries.
Please note that we are currently offering the older four volumes of the journal at greatly reduced prices when brought alongside the latest edition – HERE
To order just this volume click on the cover.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (Vol 2, 2018)
Our Price: £15.00 (with free UK delivery)
This is the 2nd edition of the journal of International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association which is a federation of national associations in eight different countries.
Please note that we are currently offering the older four volumes of the journal at greatly reduced prices when brought alongside the latest edition – HERE
To order just this volume click on the cover.

International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Relational Mental Health (Vol 1, 2017)
Our Price: £15.00 (with free UK delivery)
This first issue of the International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Relational Mental Health offers a platform for the growing body of work emerging from the CAT model and relational and integrative approaches more broadly. These come from many different theoretical and clinical contexts as well as different countries and cultures.
Please note that we are currently offering the older four volumes of the journal at greatly reduced prices when brought alongside the latest edition – HERE
To order just this volume click on the cover.

Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Politics of Mental Health
Our Price: £31.99 (with free UK delivery)
Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Politics of Mental Health provides an overview of the development of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), and illuminates how the political context affects the way in which therapists consider their work and facilitates their practice.

Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Distinctive Features
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)
Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Distinctive Features offers an introduction to what is distinctive about this increasingly popular method. Written by three Cognitive Analytic Therapists, with many years’ experience, it provides an accessible, bitesize overview of this increasingly used psychological therapy.

Change for the Better: Self-help through practical psychotherapy (5th Edition)
Our Price: £31.50 (with free UK delivery)

Cognitive Analytic Supervision: A relational approach
Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)
This edited collection of original chapters reflects the ways in which CAT therapists and supervisors have developed the model and used it in diverse settings.

Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Offenders: A New Approach to Forensic Psychotherapy
Our Price: £36.99 (with free UK delivery)
In this new paperback edition of Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Offenders, the authors describe the application of CAT to forensic settings, illustrating the use of this type of therapy with a range of offence types and clinical disorders.

Diary from the Edge 1940-1944: A Wartime Adolescence
Our Price: £13.99 (with free UK delivery)
Anthony Ryle is the founder of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. The diary which he kept through most of the Second World War is a rare insight into the life of a schoolboy approaching maturity in the early 1940s.

Cognitive Analytic Therapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Carers
Our Price: £27.99 (with free UK delivery)

Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life: New Perspective on Old Age
Our Price: £30.99 (with free UK delivery)
Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life highlights that any attempt to work psychotherapeutically with older people must take into account the effects of working within a context of institutional ageism.