Children and Adolescents

Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping
Our Price: £35.99 (with free UK delivery)

Games and Activities for Exploring Feelings with Children: Giving Children the Confidence to Navigate Emotions and Friendships
Our Price: £18.99 (with free UK delivery)
This is a fun, imaginative and creative resource designed to help children aged 7–13 get thinking and talking about their feelings and the issues that affect their lives.

Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential–and Endangere
Our Price: £9.99 (with free UK delivery)
As Born for Love reveals, recent changes in technology, child-rearing practices, education, and lifestyles are starting to rob children of necessary human contact and deep relationships—the essential foundation for empathy and a caring, healthy society. Sounding an important warning bell, Born for Love offers practical ideas for combating the negative influences of modern life and fostering positive social change to benefit us all.

Effective Counselling with Young People
Our Price: £26.99 (with free UK delivery)

A Short Introduction to Promoting Resilience in Children
Our Price: £14.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book provides a succinct, accessible and clear guide on how to promote resilience in children and achieve positive developmental outcomes for them.

From Timid To Tiger: A Treatment Manual for Parenting the Anxious Child
Our Price: £29.50 (with free UK delivery)

All Dogs Have ADHD
Our Price: £11.99 (with free UK delivery)
This delightful revised edition of All Dogs Have ADHD takes an inspiring and affectionate look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Approaches
Our Price: £33.99 (with free UK delivery)
The Handbook remains accessible and jargon-free. It will be a valuable resource for all who work in allied professions where the emotional well-being of children is of concern – health, education, social services – as well as trainee psychotherapists and experienced practitioners.

Feeling Like Crap: Young People and the Meaning of Self-esteem
Our Price: £15.99 (with free UK delivery)

Helping Children to Build Self-esteem: A Photocopiable Activities Book
Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)

A Question of Technique: Independent Psychoanalytic Approaches with Children and Adolescents
Our Price: £29.99 (with free UK delivery)
A Question of Technique focuses on what actually happens in the therapy room and on the technical decisions and pressures that are faced daily.
Coming from the Independent tradition in British psychoanalysis, the contributors, a range of experienced practitioners and teachers, describe how their technique has quietly changed and developed over the years, and put this process in its theoretical context.

The Legacy of Winnicott: Essays on Infant and Child Mental Health
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
This excellent book is an intellectual feast and it should be required reading for all students of psychology.

Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children
Our Price: £18.50 (with free UK delivery)
This practical handbook begins with the philosophy and psychology underpinning the therapeutic value of story telling. It shows how to use story telling as a therapeutic tool with children and how to make an effective response when a child tells a story to you.

Adolescence: Psychotherapy and the Emergent Self
Our Price: £42.99 (with free UK delivery)
Many therapists can attest to the fact that adolescents can be difficult and frustating clients-problems are seldom well defined, clearly delineated symptoms are more exception than the rule, and troubling situations often involve the entire family.
NB* This is a print-on-demand title that takes about 7-12 weeks to supply