

    Bion’s Emotional Links: Love, Hate and Knowledge

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    Our Price: £26.39 (with free UK delivery)

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    In Bion’s Emotional Links, Judy K. Eekhoff explores emotion as a bridge between unrepresented and represented states, highlighting the importance of both internal emotional and external relationships in the development of the mind.

    This title is due to be published on the 27th May 2025. You can if you wish, order it now at our special pre-publication price and we will deliver it to you as soon as it becomes available.


    Bion’s Transformations Revisited and Expanded: Essays on the Complexity of Psychoanalysis

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    Chuster’s innovative perspectives and dedication to the work of Bion make this book a must-read for all psychoanalysts interested in demystifying the often convoluted work of this most eminent analyst and bringing his insightful theories into the 21st century.


    Recognising, Understanding and Treating Nameless States: A Psychoanalytic Exploration

    Retail Price: £29.99

    Our Price: £25.75 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £4.24 (14%)

    This book will be of interest to analysts both in practice and in training, as well as psychotherapists and mental health practitioners wishing to understand nameless states more deeply.

    Recommended Titles

    Recommended titles by experts in the field.

    Learning From Experience

    Retail Price: £15.99

    Our Price: £14.50 (with free UK delivery)

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    Wilfred R. Bion was one of the foremost psychoanalysts of his generation, whose work has shaped and enriched psychoanalysis and psychotherapy indelibly. Renowned for some highly original and sometimes cryptic ideas, such as the alpha function and theory of the grid, Learning from Experience is arguably his most important and enduring work.

    Bion’s Theory of Dreams: A Visionary Model of the Mind

    Retail Price: £24.99

    Our Price: £22.99 (with free UK delivery)

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    Providing renewed insight into psychoanalytical understandings of dreams, this book is essential reading for any psychoanalyst wishing to broaden their knowledge of the importance of Wilfred R. Bion’s dream work.

    Introducing the Clinical Work of Wilfred Bion

    Retail Price: £29.99

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    Introducing the Clinical Work of Wilfred Bion takes a fresh approach to this much revered analyst, focusing on the unique contributions to be found in his analytical and supervisorial work and developing of received Kleinian theory.

    The Clinical Comprehension of Meaning: The Bion/Meltzer Vertex

    Retail Price: £32.99

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    This book illustrates three pillars of a psychoanalytic clinic: the structure of the personality, the development of thought, and the ability to foster close relationships with clients. These three pillars show the conditions for the creation of meanings and the difficulties that can be manifested in fanatical functioning, psychosomatic disorders and dreaming, as well as isolation and boredom in adolescents.

    Bion: An Introduction

    Retail Price: £17.99

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    As author of Bion: 365 Quotes, Nicola Abel-Hirsch’s immersion in Bion’s vast œuvre has enabled a comprehensive introduction to Bion and his work. Her lightness of touch, whilst retaining the necessary depth, makes it a joy to read. Bion and his work can be somewhat enigmatic but Abel-Hirsch’s understanding offers the ideal introduction to the man and his work.

    Contemporary Object Relations in Los Angeles: Building on the Work of the London Kleinians

    Retail Price: £27.99

    Our Price: £25.75 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.24 (8%)

    The contributions to this book reflect a wide range of interests and ways of exploring current psychoanalytic thought. They include a comparison of the concepts of Winnicott, Klein, and Bion; an account of the application of infant observation; a description of the gradual dismantling of a patient’s manic personality organization; detailed accounts of individual analyses: the journey from psychotherapy to a full analytic treatment; the musical aspects of communication between analyst and patient; and the history, meaning, and current perspective of interpretation in analysis. This lively collection will enhance the practice of clinicians and inspire trainees on their own clinical journey.

    W.R. Bion as Clinician: Steering Between Concept and Practice

    Retail Price: £29.99

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    Underpinned by rigorous close readings of his oeuvre, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the development, practice and evolution of Wilfred Bion’s clinical psychoanalytic work.

    W. R. Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction

    Retail Price: £19.99

    Our Price: £18.39 (with free UK delivery)

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    Annie Reiner’s introduction to Wilfred Bion’s theories of mind presents Bion’s intricate ideas in an accessible, original way without compromising their complexity.

    Bion and Intuition in the Clinical Setting

    Retail Price: £31.99

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    Bion and Intuition in the Clinical Setting focuses on Bion’s investigation of the intuitive approach to clinical data and lays out how Bion’s method encouraged constant effort by the analysts to relinquish its reliance on sensory and conceptual-verbal faculties to make room for intuition.

    Bion, Intuition and the Expansion of Psychoanalytic Theory

    Retail Price: £31.99

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    Bion, Intuition and the Expansion of Psychoanalytic Theory illuminates how Bion’s work on intuition has changed the landscape of contemporary psychoanalysis through his understanding of its supra-scientific and non-sub-scientific condition.

    Bion’s Legacy in São Paulo: Theoretical Applications from the São Paulo Psychoanalytic Society

    Retail Price: £31.99

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    This collection illuminates the legacy of Wilfred R. Bion in Brazil, illustrating Bion’s continued influence on the work of the São Paulo Psychoanalytic Society (SBPSP), how Bionian ideas are applied in contemporary psychoanalysis, and how current practice has evolved over time.

    The Post-Bionian Field Theory of Antonino Ferro: Theoretical Analysis and Clinical Application

    Retail Price: £31.99

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    This exciting and original collection explores Antonino Ferro’s post-Bionian Field Theory, expanding upon the analytic work of Wilfred Bion to focus on the intersubjective development of psychic regulatory processes.

    Bion and Primitive Mental States: Trauma and the Symbiotic Link

    Retail Price: £31.99

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    This clinically focused book explores W. R. Bion’s thinking on primitive and unrepresented mental states and shows how therapists can work effectively with traumatized patients who are difficult to reach.

    Wilfred Bion and Literary Criticism

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    The first full-length study to explore the potential of Bion’s ideas for literary criticism, Wilfred Bion and Literary Criticism introduces his complex and extensive work for a new audience in an accessible and engaging way, and will be of great interest to scholars of creative writing, literary criticism and psychoanalysis.

    Bion: 365 Quotes

    Retail Price: £27.99

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    The book is structured in a way that will inform and interest the general reader as well as giving something new to psychoanalysts and others who already know his work well.

    Bion and Thoughts Too Deep for Words: Psychoanalysis, Suggestion, and the Language of the Unconscious

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    Distinguishing psychoanalysis, as a search for truth, from suggestion, as a cure for symptoms, this book addresses the scientific status of psychoanalysis. Citing research into the relationship of infants to their caretakers, the author discusses evidence that unconscious communication is present from birth, and that this form of communication plays a central role in psychoanalysis at a level below that of verbal communication.

    Psychoanalysis with Wilfred R. Bion: Contemporary Approaches, Actuality and The Future of Psychoanalytic Practice

    Retail Price: £36.99

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    Psychoanalysis with Wilfred R. Bion is the product of Francois Levy’s efforts over a period of twenty years to represent clearly the classical elements and the innovatory propositions of the thought and work of Bion, who offers both new and modified ways of practising and thinking about the psychoanalytic experience.

    Four Discussions with W. R. Bion

    Retail Price: £14.99

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    This book provides a useful introduction to his thinking, whilst the vitality of the exchanges demonstrates the creation and operation of a genuine ‘work group’. This new edition also includes an introduction to Bion’s model of the mind and glossary by Meg Harris Williams.

    Bion in New York and Sao Paulo: And Three Tavistock Seminars

    Retail Price: £24.99

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    These two talks given in 1977 and 1978 in New York and Sao Paulo respectively are an edited version of discussions and spontaneous contributions made by Bion, in the main without notes.

    Attacks on Linking Revisited: A New Look at Bion’s Classic Work

    Retail Price: £31.99

    Our Price: £29.43 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: £2.56 (8%)

    This book aims at providing further contributions inspired by Bion’s paper Attacks on Linking (1959) by a distinguinshed group of scholars who have focused on different aspects of his propositions.

    Reading Bion

    Retail Price: £35.99

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    Reading Bion starts from the very beginning so that it is instructive for people who are new to his work, but the close reading and background information make it a meaningful companion for experienced psychoanalysts and psychotherapists studying his work.